Istruzioni per l'uso AEG-ELECTROLUX ENB43399W

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[. . . ] manual de instrucciones user manual manual de instruções Frigorífico-congelador Fridge-Freezer Combinado ENB43399W 2 electrolux Electrolux. Thinking of you. Conozca mejor nuestros conceptos en www. electrolux. com Índice de materias Información sobre seguridad Panel de mandos Primer uso Uso diario Consejos útiles 2 4 5 5 8 Mantenimiento y limpieza Qué hacer si. . . Datos técnicos Instalación Aspectos medioambientales 9 10 12 12 15 Salvo modificaciones Información sobre seguridad Por su seguridad y para garantizar el funcionamiento correcto del aparato, antes de instalarlo y utilizarlo por primera vez lea atentamente este manual del usuario, incluidos los consejos y advertencias. Para evitar errores y accidentes, es importante que todas las personas que utilicen el aparato estén perfectamente al tanto de su funcionamiento y de las características de seguridad. [. . . ] Cooked foods, cold dishes, etc. . : these should be covered and may be placed on any shelf. Fruit and vegetables: these should be thoroughly cleaned and placed in the special drawer(s) provided. Butter and cheese: these should be placed in special airtight containers or wrapped in aluminium foil or polythene bags to exclude as much air as possible. Milk bottles: these should have a cap and should be stored in the bottle rack on the door. Bananas, potatoes, onions and garlic, if not packed, must not be kept in the refrigerator. Hints for freezing To help you make the most of the freezing process, here are some important hints: · the maximum quantity of food which can be frozen in 24 hrs. is shown on the rating plate; · the freezing process takes 24 hours. No further food to be frozen should be added during this period; 22 electrolux · only freeze top quality, fresh and thoroughly cleaned, foodstuffs; · prepare food in small portions to enable it to be rapidly and completely frozen and to make it possible subsequently to thaw only the quantity required; · wrap up the food in aluminium foil or polythene and make sure that the packages are airtight; · do not allow fresh, unfrozen food to touch food which is already frozen, thus avoiding a rise in temperature of the latter; · lean foods store better and longer than fatty ones; salt reduces the storage life of food; · water ices, if consumed immediately after removal from the freezer compartment, can possibly cause the skin to be freeze burnt; · it is advisable to show the freezing in date on each individual pack to enable you to keep tab of the storage time. Hints for storage of frozen food To obtain the best performance from this appliance, you should: · make sure that the commercially frozen foodstuffs were adequately stored by the retailer; · be sure that frozen foodstuffs are transferred from the foodstore to the freezer in the shortest possible time; · not open the door frequently or leave it open longer than absolutely necessary. · Once defrosted, food deteriorates rapidly and cannot be refrozen. · Do not exceed the storage period indicated by the food manufacturer. Care and cleaning Caution!Unplug the appliance before carrying out any maintenance operation. This appliance contains hydrocarbons in its cooling unit; maintenance and recharging must therefore only be carried out by authorized technicians. Periodic cleaning The equipment has to be cleaned regularly: · clean the inside and accessories with lukewarm water and some neutral soap. · regularly check the door seals and wipe clean to ensure they are clean and free from debris. Do not pull, move or damage any pipes and/or cables inside the cabinet. Never use detergents, abrasive powders, highly perfumed cleaning products or wax polishes to clean the interior as this will damage the surface and leave a strong odour. Clean the condenser (black grill) and the compressor at the back of the appliance with a brush or a vacuum cleaner. This operation will improve the performance of the appliance and save electricity consumption. Take care of not to damage the cooling system. Many proprietary kitchen surface cleaners contain chemicals that can attack/damage the plastics used in this appliance. For this reason it is recommended that the outer casing of this appliance is only cleaned with warm water with a little washing-up liquid added. [. . . ] Coloque cuidadosamente o aparelho de costas, desenrosque totalmente o pé ajustável e enrosque-o no lado oposto. Remova a dobradiça inferior, desaparafusando os seus parafusos de fixação. Utilizando a chave de 12 mm, desaparafuse o perno da dobradiça e volte a montar no lado oposto da dobradiça. Monte a dobradiça inferior do lado oposto, utilizando os parafusos previamente retirados. [. . . ]


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