Istruzioni per l'uso AEG-ELECTROLUX EON411P

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX EON411P
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[. . . ] Reverse the adobe operations to put the grill dish and shelves back again. Ensure that the shelves are placed between the two side support wires. We recommend that installation, connection and preparation of the cabinet are carried out by a qualified technician accordingly with the instructions of this booklet and with the installation requirements or regulations in force in the user's Country Controls panel 1. LED timer 5 °C °C 3 4 2 1 How to use your oven Several parts are protected with a special anti-scratch film. [. . . ] Cooking results are a matter of personal preference and may easily be adjusted to follow individual requirements by slight changes to the temperature or/and cooking time. 5 USING THE GRILL Turn the function knob (fig. FOR GRILLING TURN THE THERMOSTAT KNOB Fan aasisted grill Turn the function knob (fig. The fan assisted grill functions, is suitable for wet or thick food because the action of the hot air will more uniformly cook, and the heat will enter into the food more gradually by reducing the radiation of the grill. The thermostat knob must be placed on the 200° position. Warning Always set the grill grid in the highest possible rack (but not too close to the heating element: fatty foods get smoke and may start a fire) place a pan in the lowest possible rack for collecting juice. If a grease fire should occur in a pan put out the flame placing a lid on the pan: NEVER THROW WATER ON A GREASE FIRE. WARNING:The oven can operate with closed door only. 1) to the symbol and the thermostat knob (fig. Air at room temperature is forced by the fan around the food for fast defrosting. Remember to place the food on a tray, to collect the liquid from defrosting and to remove the packaging from defrosted foods before cooking. Thermostat indicator lamp This light is on when you turn the thermostat knob and switches off when the oven reaches the selected temperature and will cycle on and off during the cooking in line with the oven temperature. Oven lamp This light is always on with every selected function by the function knob (fig. When needing the inside lighted up without any heating element switched on turn the selector knob to the symbol . 6 LED PROGRAMMER (Fig. The relay and the cookpot symbol are switched off. The cookpot symbol appears again when time of day = the calculated start time. After the automatic programme has ended, the symbol A blinks. The audible signal is on, the cookpot symbol and the relay are switched off. Minute Minder Press minute minder button and set required time with +/ button. As the time set elapses the symbol bell symbol is illuminated. After the time set has elapsed, the audible signal sounds. Audible Signal The audible signal (0, 5 Hz interval) sounds at the end of a minute minder cycle or of a cooking programme for a period of 7 minutes. The signal can be cancelled by pressing any function button. Programme start and verification A programme which has been set is carried out after setting the time required. Remaining timers can be verified at any time by selecting the appropriate function. Setting error The setting is incorrect if time of day is in between the calculated cooking start and end times. [. . . ] After cleaning refit the oven door inversely proceeding in similar way. Make sure the lower bars of the hinges correctely placed in the proper slots and the rings A released from the upper bars before closing the door. Oven bulb replacement Switch off your oven and isolate the power. When the oven is cool, reach the light glass cover and unscrew it as shown in fig. [. . . ]


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