Istruzioni per l'uso AEG-ELECTROLUX EOQ995X

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX EOQ995X
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[. . . ] When connecting or using appliances connected to a plug near your oven KEEP THE MAINS CABLE FAR FROM HOT SURFACES OF THE OVEN. This appliance is not intended for use by young children or infirm persons without supervision; Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. WARNING -Accessible parts will become hot when in use. To avoid burns and scalds children should be kept away. TECHNICAL FEATURES IMPORTANT: The rating data plate is attached to the front of the oven. The appliance must be installed in accordance with the requirements of AS/NZS 3000. Technical features: Dimensions: Height cm 47, 4 (appliance) Width cm 89, 4 Depth cm 54, 5 Oven room: Height cm 31, 5 Width cm 55, 5 Depth cm 38 3 66 Volume dm Power: Fan oven (rear element) W 2500 Grill W 2800 Upper elements W 1200 Lower elements W 1400 Static oven (upper and lower elements) W 2600 Cooking fan motor W 47 Cooling fan motor W 22 Lamp (miniature Ediso screw high temeprature 300 °C) W 2x) 15 Total absorbed power W 2900 Voltage (50 Hz single phase) V 230 -240 Section cable alimentation mm2 3x1, 5 3 INSTALLATIONS REMOVING THE OVEN SHELVES Slide oven shelves towards you until they reach the front stops. Tilt them up at the front to clear the side supports. [. . . ] Displays 4-digit, 7-segment display for time of day and switching times. Dialogue display to identify condition of timer: Automatic programme =A Duration and manual mode = Cookpot symbol Minute minder = Bellsymbol Setting After pressing a function button the time required can be set with the +/ buttons. The countingup and counting-down speed increases when the buttons are held down. If a function button is just briefly touched and released, the selected function is displayed for 5 second. Within this time setting may be commenced (on-hand-setting). Five seconds after releasing the function button or after setting is completed, the display reverts to time of day. When a programme has been set, it automatically starts immediately. Selection of a function is accompanied by an audible signal. Setting time of day Select time of day function by pressing duration and end time button simultaneously and set time of day with +/ buttons. Any programme which has been set is cancelled and the relay is off. Manual Operation Press 2 and 3 button simultaneously (the auto symbol will be erased) the pot symbol illuminated. Any programme which has been set is cancelled. Semi-automatic operation with cooking duration Press cooking duration button and set required duration with the +/ button. If time of day = cooking end time the relay and cookpot symbol are switched off. Semi-automatic operation with cooking end time Press cooking end time button and set required end time with the +/ button. The A and cookpot symbols are illuminated. If time of day = cooking end time the relay output and the cookpot symbol are switched off. The audible signal sounds and A blinks. 7 Fully automatic operation Press cooking duration button and set required duration with the +/ button. The relay is switched on and the cookpot symbol appears. Select cooking end time function and the earliest possible end time is displayed. Set the required end time with the +/ buttons. The relay and the cookpot symbol are switched off. [. . . ] Do not force the oven into the housing using the open door as a lev and never exercise excessive pressure on the open door. The oven should be secured to the housing by nº 4 fitting screws in holes of the frame as shown in fig. 10 Preparation on the cabinet No specific openings are necessary for ventilation in the cabinet because this appliance is equipped with a cooling fan drawing air across the slots in the top and bottom of the unit. It is enough to respect the dimensions of the housing as in the fig. [. . . ]


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