Istruzioni per l'uso AEG-ELECTROLUX SZ91804-4I

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX SZ91804-4I
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[. . . ] Conserve estas instrucciones y no olvide mantenerlas junto al aparato en caso de su desplazamiento o venta para que quienes lo utilicen a lo largo de su vida útil dispongan siempre de la información adecuada sobre el uso y la seguridad. Por la seguridad de personas y bienes, siga las normas de seguridad indicadas en estas instrucciones, ya que el fabricante no se hace responsable de daños provocados por omisiones. Seguridad de niños y personas vulnerables · Este electrodoméstico no está diseñado para que lo usen personas (incluidos niños) con discapacidad física, sensorial o mental, o con experiencia y conocimiento insuficientes, a menos que una persona responsable de su seguridad les supervise o instruya en el uso del electrodoméstico. No permita que los niños jueguen con el electrodoméstico. [. . . ] Place the fresh food to be frozen in the bottom compartment. The maximum amount of food that can be frozen in 24 hours is specified on the rating plate , a label located on the inside of the appliance. The freezing process lasts 24 hours: during this period do not add other food to be frozen. Storage of frozen food When first starting-up or after a period out of use, before putting the products in the compartment let the appliance run at least 2 hours on the higher settings. In the event of accidental defrosting, for example due to a power failure, if the power has been off for longer than the value shown in the technical characteristics chart under "rising time", the defrosted food must be consumed quickly or cooked immediately and then re-frozen (after cooling). Thawing Deep-frozen or frozen food, prior to being used, can be thawed in the refrigerator compartment or at room temperature, depending on the time available for this operation. Small pieces may even be cooked still frozen, directly from the freezer: in this case, cooking will take longer. Helpful hints and tips Hints for energy saving · Do not open the door frequently or leave it open longer than absolutely necessary. · If the ambient temperature is high, the Temperature Regulator is on the higher setting and the appliance is fully loaded, the compressor may run continuously, causing frost or ice on the evaporator. If this happens, turn the Temperature Regulator toward lower settings to allow automatic defrosting and so a saving in electricity consumption. Hints for fresh food refrigeration To obtain the best performance: · do not store warm food or evaporating liquids in the refrigerator · do cover or wrap the food, particularly if it has a strong flavour · position food so that air can circulate freely around it Hints for refrigeration Useful hints: Meat (all types) : wrap in polythene bags and place on the glass shelf above the vegetable drawer. For safety, store in this way only one or two days at the most. Cooked foods, cold dishes, etc. . : these should be covered and may be placed on any shelf. Defrosting of the refrigerator Frost is automatically eliminated from the evaporator of the refrigerator compartment every time the motor compressor stops, during normal use. The defrost water drains out through a trough into a special container at the back of the appliance, over the motor compressor, where it evaporates. It is important to periodically clean the defrost water drain hole in the middle of the refrigerator compartment channel to prevent the water overflowing and dripping onto the food inside. Use the special cleaner provided, which you will find already inserted into the drain hole. electrolux 23 means that there is no buildup of frost when it is in operation, neither on the internal walls nor on the foods. The absence of frost is due to the continuous circulation of cold air inside the compartment, driven by an automatically controlled fan. Periods of non-operation When the appliance is not in use for long periods, take the following precautions: · disconnect the appliance from electricity supply · remove all food · defrost 8)and clean the appliance and all accessories · leave the door/doors ajar to prevent unpleasant smells. If the cabinet will be kept on, ask somebody to check it once in a while to prevent the food inside from spoiling in case of a power failure. Defrosting of the freezer The freezer compartment of this model, on the other hand, is a "no frost" type. Before troubleshooting, disconnect the mains plug from the mains socket. Only a qualified electrician or competent person must do the troubleshooting that is not in this manual. Problem The appliance does not operate. The lamp does not operate. Important!There are some sounds during normal use (compressor, refrigerant circulation). Possible cause The appliance is switched off. Solution Switch on the appliance. The mains plug is not connected to the mains socket correctly. [. . . ] Retire o suporte superior e monte-o no lado oposto. Desenrosque a dobradiça central (H). Retire os tampões de plástico localizados do lado oposto da dobradiça central e monte-os nos orifícios ocupados anteriormente pela dobradiça. electrolux 41 H 5. Retire a grelha de ventilação que se encontra fixa com dois parafusos. 7. [. . . ]


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