Istruzioni per l'uso ASUS VW197D

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[. . . ] Il coperchio dell'involucro dovrebbe essere aperto solo da personale tecnico qualificato. Tenere il monitor lontano dai raggi solari diretti, da stufe o altre fonti di calore. Rimuovere qualunque oggetto possa entrare nelle ventole ed ostruirle o ostacolare l'adeguato raffreddamento dei componenti elettronici del monitor. Non ostruire i fori di ventilazione sull'involucro. [. . . ] I punti residui sono una caratteristica normale dello schermo a cristalli liquidi usati nella tecnologia odierna. Rimangono punti verdi, rossi, blu, scuri e bianchi q Per ulteriori informazioni, consultare la lista dei Centri linformazione del cliente per contattare il distributore Philips di zona. TORNA ALL'INIZIO DELLA PAGINA file:///D|/Grace/03771/italian/150b3bty/safety/saf_troub. htm (3 of 3) [1/30/2002 4:36:52 PM] Regulatory Information Regulatory Information TCO '95 Information · TCO '95 Environmental Requirements · TCO '99 Information · TCO '99 Environmental Requirements · Energy Star Declaration · Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Notice (U. S. Only) · Commission Federale de la Communication (FCC Declaration) · EN 55022 Compliance (Czech Republic Only) · VCCI Class 2 Notice (Japan Only) · MIC Notice (South Korea Only) · Polish Center for Testing and Certification Notice · North Europe Information · BSMI Notice (Taiwan Only) · Ergonomie Hinweis (nur Deutschland) · Philips End-of-Life Disposal · Information for UK only Safety and Troubleshooting · Troubleshooting · Other Related Information · Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) TCO '95 Information (For 150P3D, 150P3C, 150B3Q, 150B3V, VW197D, 150B3T, 150S3H) Congratulations! You have just purchased a TCO'95 approved and labelled product!Your choice has provided you with a product developed for professional use. Your purchase has also contributed to reducing the burden on the environment and also, to the further development of environmentally adapted electronics products. Why do we have environmentally labelled computers? In many countries, environmental labelling has become an established method for encouraging the adaptation of goods and services to the environment. The main problem, as far as computers and other electronics equipment are concerned, is that environmentally harmful substances are used both in the products and during the manufacturing. Since it has not been possible for the majority of electronics equipment to be recycled in a satisfactory way, most of these potentially damaging substances sooner or later enter Nature. There are also other characteristics of a computer, such as energy consumption levels, that are important from the viewpoints of both the work (internal) and natural (external) environments. Since all methods of conventional electricity generation have a negative effect on the environment (acidic and climate-influencing emissions, radioactive waste, etc. ), it is vital to conserve energy. Electronics equipment in offices consume an enormous amount of energy since they are often left running continuously. What does labelling involve? This product meets the requirements for the TCO'95 scheme which provides for international and environmental labelling of personal computers. The labelling scheme was developed as a joint effort by the TCO (The Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees), Naturskyddsforeningen (The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation) and NUTEK (The National Board for Industrial and Technical Development in Sweden). Mercury is, for the time being, permitted in the back light system of flat panel monitors as there today is no commercially available alternative. TCO aims on removing this exception when a mercury free alternative is available. CFCs (freons) CFCs (freons) are sometimes used for washing printed circuit boards and in the manufacturing of expanded foam for packaging. CFCs break down ozone and thereby damage the ozone layer in the stratosphere, causing increased reception on Earth of ultraviolet light with consequent increased risks of skin cancer (malignant melanoma). The relevant TCO'95 requirement: Neither CFCs nor HCFCs may be used during the manufacturing of the product or its packaging. The TCO'95 requirement: neither CFCs nor HCFCs may be used during the manufacturing of the product or its packaging. _____________________________ * Bio-accumulative is defined as substances which accumulate within living organisms Lead, Cadmium and Mercury are heavy metals which are Bio-accumulative. ** RETURN TO TOP OF THE PAGE file:///D|/Grace/03771/italian/150b3bty/safety/regs/regulat. htm (2 of 10) [1/30/2002 4:36:54 PM] Regulatory Information TCO '99 Information (For 150P3A, 150P3E, 150B3B, 150B3E, 150B3M, 150S3F) Congratulations!You have just purchased a TCO '99 approved and labeled product!Your choice has provided you with a product developed for professional use. Your purchase has also contributed to reducing the burden on the environment and also to the further development of environmentally adapted electronics products. Why do we have environmentally labeled computers? In many countries, environmental labeling has become an established method for encouraging the adaptation of goods and services to the environment. [. . . ] Centro de Informações ao Consumidor R. andar Phone: 0800-123-123 Fax : (0xx11) 3141-1580 CHILE Philips Chilena S. A. box 2687Santiago de Chile Phone: (02)-730 2000 Fax : (02)-777 6730 COLOMBIA Industrias Philips de Colombia S. A. -Division de Servicio CARRERA 15 Nr. 104-33 Bogota, Colombia Phone: (01)-9800-9-18971 (toll free) Fax : (01)-619-5377 MEXICO Consumer Information Centre Norte 45 No. 669 Col. [. . . ]


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