Istruzioni per l'uso CANON SMARTLF CX 40 BROCHURE

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Mode d'emploi CANON SMARTLF CX 40

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[. . . ] SmartLF Cx 40 Large Format CIS Scanner Precision scanning of large format documents The SmartLF Cx 40 is designed to scan and copy large format documents quickly and precisely avoiding outsourcing your work. [. . . ] Turbo mode scanning uses digital software interpolation to double the resolution in the paper direction to simulate higher resolution scanning. The quoted scan accuracy is valid for media up to 0. 5mm thick and may vary depending on the operating environment and the type & thickness of media. Colortrac measures accuracy by scanning a paper original printed with a square target. The pixel co-ordinates of the target image are measured and compared with the known dimensions of the original. SmartLF Cx 40 scanners are tested at 20C +/- 3C, 60% +/- 10% RH. The maximum resolution selectable for an image is limited by the file format specified & the available disk space. Colortrac recommends Intel Pentium, Core Duo, Core 2 Duo, HT (Hyper-Threading) and AMD Athlon Dual Core processors, at least 512MB RAM, USB2 and WindowsTM XP Home, WindowsTM XP Professional or WindowsTM Vista operating systems. SmartLF drivers support 32-bit and 64-bit processor architectures. Contact your supplier for advice on the optimum system configuration for your application. [. . . ] 01-295 8141 www. canon. ie SY CERTIFICA TI EM ST ON IS O 14 00 1: 2 0 04 [. . . ]


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