Istruzioni per l'uso DELONGHI CG 400

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Lastmanuals aiuta a scaricare la guida per l'uso DELONGHI CG 400.

Mode d'emploi DELONGHI CG 400

Puoi anche scaricare i seguenti manuali collegati a questo prodotto:

   DELONGHI CG 400 (38 ko)
   DELONGHI CG 400 (409 ko)

Estratto del manuale: manuale d'uso DELONGHI CG 400

Istruzioni dettagliate per l'uso sono nel manuale

[. . . ] GRIGLIA A CONTATTO CONTACT-GRILL GRILL A CONTACT TISCHGRILL KONTAKGRILL PARILLA A CONTACTO GRELHADOR DE CONTACTO TOSTIERA KONTAKGRILL KONTAKTGRILL MOINITOIMIPARILA KONTAKTN GRIL OPIEKACZ KONTAKTRENDSZER GRILLST Istruzioni per l'uso Instructions for use Mode d'emploi Gebrauchsanweisung Gebruiksaanwijzing Instrucciones para el uso Instues de uso TM TMTM Bruksveiledning Bruksanvisning Kyttohje NVOD K POUIT INSTRUKCJA OBSUGI Kezelsi utasts ELECTRICAL CONNECTION (UK ONLY) A) If your appliance comes fitted with a plug, it will incorporate a 13 Amp fuse. [. . . ] With alternative plugs not incorporating a fuse, the circuit must be protected by a 15 Amp fuse. WARNING - THIS APPLIANCE MUST BE EARTHED IMPORTANT The wires in the mains lead are coloured in accordance with the following code: Green and yellow: Earth Blue: Neutral Brown: Live If the plug is a moulded-on type, the fuse cover must be re-fitted when changing the fuse using a 13 Amp Asta approved fuse to BS 1362. In the event of losing the fuse cover, the plug must NOT be used until a replacement fuse cover can be obtained from your nearest electrical dealer. The colour of the correct replacement fuse cover is that as marked on the base of the plug. B) If your appliance is not fitted with a plug, please follow the instructions provided below: As the colours of the wires in the mains lead may not correspond with the coloured markings identifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows: The green and yellow wire must be connected to the terminal in the plug marked with the letter E or the earth symbol or coloured green or green and yellow. The blue wire must be connected to the terminal marked with the letter N or coloured black. [. . . ] The brown wire must be connected to the terminal marked with the letter L or coloured red. 2 POS. [. . . ]


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