Istruzioni per l'uso DELONGHI ICM 18

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Mode d'emploi DELONGHI ICM 18

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[. . . ] · Lift the water tank lid, remove the chlorine filter holder from its housing by lifting it upwards (Fig. 1 · Open the chlorine filter holder by pressing the parts marked "PUSH", and carefully position the chlorine filter as shown in (Fig. · Close the filter holder and replace it in its housing, pushing it fully down. · The chlorine filter must be replaced every 80 uses, and always after six months of operation. [. . . ] By turning the flavour adjustment knob (Fig. 12), the coffee maker can be set for coffee with a strong (STRONG position) or light aftertaste (LIGHT position). The Flavour System changes the strength of the aftertaste of the coffee, while the actual taste remains the same. 12 5 Filter Coffee Maker ICM8/18 ICM8/18 12-04-2002 12:02 Pagina 6 Cleaning and maintenance Before performing any cleaning or maintenance operations, turn the machine off, unplug it from the power socket and allow it to cool down. When cleaning the coffee maker, do not use solvents or abrasive detergents. Never immerse the coffee maker in water: it is an electrical appliance. 13 Cleaning the Flavour Saver To clean the Flavour Saver more efficiently, it can be removed from the filter holder cone by pressing it lightly inwards (Fig. 13). To replace it, simply slide it in from above (Fig. 14 If the water in your local area is hard, lime scale will form over time. These deposits may affect the correct operation of the appliance. The coffee maker must be descaled every 40 uses. The descaling process may be performed using special commercially-available scale removers for filter coffee makers. Alternatively, white wine vinegar can be used as follows: 1. Pour 2 cups of white wine vinegar and 3 cups of water into the tank. Place the jug on the warming plate, do not put any ground coffee in the filter holder; 4. Press the drip coffee ON/OFF switch, percolate the equivalent of one cup and then switch off the appliance; 5. Leave the vinegar to act for one hour; 6. Switch the coffee maker back on and percolate the rest of the solution; 7. To rinse the machine, operate it with water and without ground coffee at least 3 times (3 complete tanks of water). Filter Coffee Maker ICM8/18 6 ICM8/18 12-04-2002 12:02 Pagina 7 Problem solving Problem Probable cause Solution Perform the descaling procedure as described in the paragraph "Descaling" Rinse the appliance as described in the chapter "Descaling" The filter coffee The filter coffee takes longer to per- maker needs to be colate descaled The coffee has a vinegary taste The coffee maker has not been rinsed sufficiently 7 Filter Coffee Maker ICM8/18 ICM8/18 12-04-2002 12:02 Pagina 8 Safety warnings · This machine is designed to "make coffee", be careful to avoid scalding from the water and steam jets or by using the machine incorrectly. · Do not touch hot parts (areas in contact with the filter holder and the warming plate). · After having removed the packaging, make sure that the product is complete. If in doubt, do not use the appliance and contact qualified personnel only. · This appliance is for home use only. All other uses are considered improper and thus dangerous. [. . . ] Do not forget to tighten the mains lead clamp on the plug. If your electricity supply point has only two pin socket outlets, or if you are in doubt, consult a qualified electrician. Should the mains lead ever require replacement, it is essential that this operation be carried out by a qualified electrician and should only be replaced with a flexible cord of the same size. After replacement of a fuse in the plug, the fuse cover must be refitted. [. . . ]


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