Istruzioni per l'uso DELONGHI K BO 2001. B

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[. . . ] Keep the kettle and the mains lead away from the edge of the work surface and out of the reach of children. · Do not allow the mains lead to hang over the edge of the table or work surface. · The appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. [. . . ] Using the kettle With the specially designed power base and central connector, you can now set the kettle on the base at any angle, from any position. · Release cord from storage base and adjust length by winding around the base to give the correct cord length to reach the plug socket to be used (fig. · Do not leave loose cord hanging over the edge of work surfaces. Filling · Remove the kettle from the base unit before filling. · Remove the lid and fill the kettle to the desired level. Do not fill with less than 0, 3 litre of water (min level) to prevent the kettle running dry while in use; misuse of this kind will shorten the life of the element. Do not fill with more than 1, 7 litres of water (max. If the kettle is overfilled, there is a risk that boiling water may overflow and cause burns. · To close the lid, push it onto the kettle body until it clicks firmly into place. · The water level indicator enables you to see the quantity of water in the kettle. c a b Fig. 1 Fig. 2 1 2 Fig. 3 Switching on CORD EXIT · Plug the power base into the mains socket. · Place the kettle on the power base. · Press the ON/OFF switch down (fig. 5) to switch the kettle on. · The power-on indicator lights will illuminate. · The kettle will automatically switch off once the water is boiled (the ON/OFF switch will click upwards and the lights will switch off ). · To turn the kettle off before the water boils, you may move the ON/OFF switch up to the OFF position, or simply lift the kettle from its base - it will switch off and the switch will return to the OFF position automatically. Pouring · Remove the kettle from the power base and carefully pour out the water. Do not tilt the kettle suddenly or pour water out at too sharp an angle. · When you lift the kettle from the base, you may see moisture on the top surface of the base. Condensation on the base is perfectly normal, and should not be a cause for alarm. Fig. 4 Safety devices Fig. 5 1) Automatic ON/OFF switch Your kettle is fitted with an ON/OFF switch which automatically switches off once the water has boiled. If the kettle has 8 just boiled, wait a minute or so before re-boiling the kettle. Do not attempt to hold the ON/OFF switch in the "on" position or adjust the switch mechanism. 2) Safety cut-out If the kettle is switched ON with too little or no water, it is protected against damage by a safety cut-out device which will switch off the power. [. . . ] · Replace the filter sliding it firmly down (fig. Descaling It is vital to clean and descale the kettle and filter regularly in order to maintain it in good working order. Failure to descale your kettle may invalidate your guarantee. · It is recommended to use specific (store bought) products for descaling of kettles. [. . . ]


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