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[. . . ] veritas i TM Printed in Canada 7AI//ENV2I WELCOME TO MUSICAL TRUTH TM The new ENERGY® Veritas iTM Series Congratulations on your purchase of the new Veritas iTM Series speakers from ENERGY® SPEAKER SYSTEMS. The proprietary technology in the Veritas iTM Series has been refined by the engineering division in order to consistently produce groundbreaking results. In the quest to attain goals set by its predecessors, Veritas iTM Series adheres to four main design objectives, and in doing so, reaches a new level of excellence. 1) To preserve the original recorded sound as closely as possible ­ Musical TruthTM. [. . . ] The side firing mid-fill transducers coupled with the front firing woofer and tweeter combine to produce various levels and effects depending on the speakers' location, and how the "SoundField Management" System is adjusted. The following are suggestions of where you can place your V2. 0Ri speakers. FIGURE 1B REAR OR CORNER POSITION RIGHT SIDE POSITION RIGHT MAIN LEFT MAIN The optimal side placement for the V2. 0Ri would be beside the listening area, a few feet behind the couch, at a height approximately 2/3 of the wall height from the floor. The "SoundField Management" System can be adjusted in many different ways. Refer to the separate section for adjusting the "SoundField Management" System. CENTER CHANNEL SUBWOOFER SIDE POSITION LEFT SIDE POSITION 6 OWNERS MANUAL Veritas i TM Proper Usage of the VeritasTM Stand for the V2. 2i Model The VeritasTM Stand has been purpose built not only to improve the looks of the VeritasTM bookshelf model V2. 2i, but also to place the speakers at the optimum height. The VeritasTM speakers incorporate inserts into the speakers' bottom, to allow physically attaching the speaker to the stand for enhanced safety. Please follow the instructions in this order. 1) Begin assembly of the stand, one by one, carefully following the directions included in the stands' packaging. 2) Decide if you wish to use filler material in the stands before you complete the assembly process. Filler will not only add weight to the stand, but mass, which helps provide a solid foundation for the speaker. As well, filler material helps eliminate resonances that can transfer to the floor and "color" the resulting sound from the speaker. 3) Complete the assembly of both stands. 5) Using the hardware supplied with the stand, attach the speaker to it by inserting the two Philips head bolts from the bottom of the stands' top plate into the insert on the speakers' bottom. 6) The front bolt goes through the front hole on the top plate, inserted from the bottom. Insert the bolt into the speaker, the insert is situated in the middle of the speakers' base. The second bolt inserts into the semi-circular rear foot on the back of the speaker. 7) Once both are in place, tighten them both with a Philips screwdriver. FIGURE 2A FIGURE 2B The speaker is now attached providing better stability, better sound, and of course great looks!See Figure 2B. 7 OWNERS MANUAL Veritas i TM Connection Instructions The Connections for the Veritas iTM Series speakers are quite similar to any standard speaker with bi-wire/ bi-amp options. There are 4 Gold Plated Connectors on the rear of the speaker enclosure, and although they look unique, they are traditional in function. NOTE: Before starting, remove the gold straps, which connect the top and bottom set of terminals. To remove the straps, loosen the connectors, pull the straps up, and then towards you through the large hole. Make sure you put them in a safe place for future use. 1) Using your choice of bare wire, banana-type jacks, or spade lugs, connect one speaker cable from the amplifier (minding the positive and negative polarities) to the top set of connectors. Next, connect the second cable, from the amplifier (same channel, secondary connectors) to the lower set of terminals on the VeritasTM speaker. [. . . ] See Figure 9. NOTE: Use the four spike option if you are concerned about stability. After installing the spikes and locating the speaker, do not move the speaker by any type of dragging motion. It can not only scratch the floor, but the inserts in the base of the speaker could be damaged. Always completely lift the speaker up to relocate its position. CARE OF THE FINISH Your new Veritas iTM series speakers should be gently cleaned with only a damp cloth and warm water from time to time to remove any dust or fingerprints. Do not use an abrasive cleaner, or any type of ammonia based cleaners, or window type cleaners. [. . . ]


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