Istruzioni per l'uso PIONEER SA-301

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Mode d'emploi PIONEER SA-301
Estratto del manuale: manuale d'uso PIONEER SA-301

Istruzioni dettagliate per l'uso sono nel manuale

[. . . ] T h i s a d d i t i o n a l s e r v i c em a n u a l i s a p p l i c a b l et o t h e H G t y p e , p l e a s er e f e r t o t h e K U t y p e s e r v i c em a n u a l w i t h t h e e x c e p t i o n o f t h i s s u p p l e m e n t s . SPECIFICATIONS The specifications HG type is the same as the KU for t y p e e x c e p tf o r f o l l o w i n gs e c t i o n s ; Semiconductors Transistors Preamplifier Section T A P E2 ( D l N c o n n e c t o r ) REC(Level/lmpedance) . . . . 30mV/80kilohms P L A Y ( S e n s i t i v i t y / l m p e d a n c. e. ) . [. . . ] 30mV/80kilohms P L A Y ( S e n s i t i v i t y / l m p e d a n c. e. ) . 1 5 0 m V / 5 0k i l o h m s H u m a n d N o i s e( D l N , C o n t i n u o u s o w e r / 5 0 m W ) P PHONO1MM. . . . . 72dB 162d8 g0dBl62dB T U N E R , A U X , T A P E p L A y 1, 2 . . . . . 15 Power Amplifier Section C o n t i n u o u s o w e r u t p u t a t I k H z ( b o t hc h a n n ed r i v e n ) P O l T . 1 0 0w a t t sp e rc h a n n e l Micellaneous PowerRequirements 220V 1240V 50l60Hz , PowerConsumption . . . . . a20(W)x150(H)x425(D)mm 1 6 - 1 I 3 2 ( w)x s - 2 s| 3 2( H )x 16 3 I a ( D \ i n 7 t W e i g h( W i t h o u P a c k a g e ) t ( . !1096 !$os zsrszs d r07 2sa9r2 09 23A7265 qr 2scr885 Q 1 32 5 C r 4 0 0 0r5, r7 2SA750 o2t o25 o27 o33 2SA904A 2SA733A 2SC945A 2SCt9r3 Dil, t3, t3, 17rst555 ot9, ?t, 23, 25 tsz4fl ts247l o27, 8 2 CAPACITORS, Indrc. td ro c. p-riy IndcarDn *rrh@r {!F)/volt+(V) voltry unl. s oth. rwe 11610lytrc rs 5OV erc. pt o23 025 ;+ors 2scr4oo 0 r , 3 05 07 09 3 VOLTAGE, CUBRENT, Srgnat volt# . t lOOfl +lOOt/ 8O ouput f!OC voh4 El at raid pomr V. lue rn ( I tr OC volt# . OC current ar no Inpur ngnal mA 4 OTHERS, r> . SEn. t rtut Oo. Adru:tngPo'nt m. tk lound on Fm. A c. tes tha rmFri. nca ol lha gfcty l*ror of rh. rdcnrral dGn9naton Lch -. l SPEAXR (A) pq6 --l I SP_B Lcn-_l 05. [. . . ] A c. tes tha rmFri. nca ol lha gfcty l*ror of rh. rdcnrral dGn9naton Lch -. l SPEAXR (A) pq6 --l I SP_B Lcn-_l 05. [. . . ]


Lastmanuals offre un servizio di condivisione, archiviazione e ricerca di manuali collegati all'uso di hardware e software: la guida per l'uso, il manuale, la guida rapida, le schede tecniche…
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