Istruzioni per l'uso SILVERCREST KH 2430 USB RECORD PLAYER

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[. . . ] 5 new GIRADISCHI USB KH 2430 GIRADISCHI USB Istruzioni per l`uso USB RECORD PLAYER Operating instructions USB-PLATTENSPIELER Bedienungsanleitung KOMPERNASS GMBH BURGSTRASSE 21 D-44867 BOCHUM www. kompernass. com ID-Nr. : KH2430 07/2009-V3 KH 2430 9 IT GB DE Istruzioni per l`uso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Operating instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Bedienungsanleitung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 10 11 12 13 14 2 6 5 4 3 7 8 15 16 17 Indice Introduzione . 6 Informazioni relative al presente manuale di istruzioni . 6 Limitazione di responsabilità . [. . . ] Click on the button "Next >". 44 USB Record Player KH 2430 Setting up and connecting NOTE If you have switched off the auto start function and the installation process does not start automatically you can start the installation process by double clicking on the file "audacity-win-1. 2. 6. exe" in the directory " Audacity_for_WIN". The window "License Agreement" is shown. Select "I accept the agreement" and click on the button "Next >". GB The window "Information" is shown. Click on the button "Next >". The window for the selection of installation directory is shown. Select the desired installation directory and click on the button "Next >". USB Record Player KH 2430 45 Setting up and connecting GB The window for the selection of further installation options is shown. Select the desired options and click on the button "Next >". All installation settings are shown. Click on the button "Install". The programme will now be installed. The installation progress is shown. Then is shown that the installation has been completed successfully. Click on the button "Next >". If the option "Launch Audacity" is selected the programme will start. 46 USB Record Player KH 2430 Setting up and connecting Configuration Copy the file "lame_enc. dll" from the directory "Audacity_for_WIN" on the Audacity programme CD to your computer's hard drive, i. e. You start the Audacity programme by double clicking on the programme icon on the desktop or by selecting the corresponding input from the start menu. When the programme starts for the first time after installation you will be asked to select the language. Select the desired language and click on the button "OK". NOTE The language setting can be changed any time at a later date in the programme settings. Select the menu option "Settings" in the "Process" menu. Carry out the following settings in the section "Record": ­ Device: "USB Audio CODEC" ­ Channels: "2 (Stereo)" Select the option "Listen to new tracks during playback" if the record is to be played back simultaneously when recording. The option "USB Audio CODEC" is only available if you have correctly connected the turntable before the programme starts. GB USB Record Player KH 2430 47 Setting up and connecting GB Select the tab "File format". Click on the button "Search library". An information window will be shown. Click on the button "Yes". Select the directory in which the file "lame_enc. dll" is located. Select the file and click on the button "Open". Select the bitrate for the MP3 files. Click on the button "OK" to finalise the setting. 48 USB Record Player KH 2430 Operating components Operating components (see fold out sides) Dust cover 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GB Stop playback button End playback button Continue playback button Turntable POWER switch: Device on/off switch Adapter for single records (45's) USB connection cable Transport securing screw/Turntable adjustment Transport position: Screw loosened Operating position: Screw tightened to end stop. Pick-up arm security lever Pick-up arm elevating lever Turntable speed selection switch: 33 , 45 or 78 Rev/min Pick-up arm Needle with cartridge USB port LINE-OUT connection cable for connection of an amplifier (Cinch) Mains power connection cable 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 USB Record Player KH 2430 49 Operating components Audacity programme GB 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Menu bar Tool bars Time indicators Project zones (Recordings will be filed as sound tracks) Status bar 50 USB Record Player KH 2430 Service and operation Service and operation In this chapter you will receive important information for the service and operation of the device. GB Switching the device on and off To switch the device on activate the switch POWER 6 . [. . . ] Ersetzen Sie die Abtastnadel Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Line-outKabel 16 korrekt angeschlossen ist bzw. sich die beiden Stecker nicht berühren. schlechte Klangqualität, starkes Rauschen, Tonaussetzer 88 USB-Plattenspieler KH 2430 Anhang Fehler Tonarm 13 springt, rutscht oder rückt nicht vor Mögliche Ursache Gerät steht nicht waagerecht Behebung Stellen Sie das Gerät auf eine waagerechte Unterlage Aktivieren Sie die Option , , Neue Spuren während der Wiedergabe mithören" und wählen Sie , , Eingangssignal hören" im Menü , , Aussteuerungsanzeige Eingang" DE Ton wird während der Aufnahme nicht wiedergegeben. falsche Programmeinstellungen Lautsprecher nicht am Computer angeschlossen Überprüfen Sie die Lautsprecher oder eingeschaltet HINWEIS Wenn Sie mit den vorstehend genannten Schritten das Problem nicht lösen können, wenden Sie sich bitte an den Kundendienst. . Lagerung/Entsorgung Lagerung Ziehen Sie den Netzstecker, wenn Sie das Gerät längere Zeit nicht verwenden. Lagern Sie das Gerät in einer trockenen Umgebung. Sichern Sie die Abtastnadel mit der Schutzkappe. [. . . ]


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