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Mode d'emploi WHIRLPOOL AMW 5023 IX

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Estratto del manuale: manuale d'uso WHIRLPOOL AMW 5023 IXINSTRUZIONI PER L'USO

Istruzioni dettagliate per l'uso sono nel manuale

[. . . ] AMW 523 AMW 558 AMW 5023 INSTALLATION, QUICK START INSTALLATION, DMARRAGE RAPIDE AUFSTELLUNG, KURZANLEITUNG INSTALLAZIONE, GUIDA RAPIDA INSTALLATIE, SNEL AAN DE SLAG INICIO RPIDO PARA LA INSTALACIN INSTALAO, GUIA DE INICIAO RPIDA INSTALLATION, SNABBGUIDE INSTALLATION, HURTIG START INSTALLASJON, RASK INNFRING ASENNUS, PIKAOPAS ZEMBE HELYEZS, RVID KEZDSI TMUTAT INSTALACE, NVOD VE ZKRATCE INSTALACJA, SKRCONA INSTRUKCJA OBS?UGI ?????????, ???????IN?TALCIA, VODN PRRU?KA 1 INSTALLATION MOUNTING THE APPLIANCE FOLLOW THE SUPPLIED separate mounting instructions when installing the appliance. PRIOR TO CONNECTING CHECK THAT THE VOLTAGE on the rating plate corresponds to the voltage in your home. DO NOT REMOVE THE MICROWAVE INLET PROTECTION PLATES located on the side of the oven cavity wall. They prevent grease & food particles from entering the microwave inlet channels. [. . . ] ? ? ? ? TURN THE MULTIFUNCTION KNOB until you find the Forced Air function. TURN THE ADJUST KNOB to set the temperature. PRESS THE OK BUTTON to confirm your selection. You will automatically be taken to the next setting. TURN THE ADJUST KNOB to set the cooking time. ALWAYS USE THE WIRE RACK to put food on to allow the air to circulate properly around the food. USE THE BAKING PLATE when baking small items like cookies or rolls. ONCE THE HEATING PROCESS has been started the cooking time can easily be adjusted with the adjust knob. Use the back button to return to where you can change end temperature. ?? FOOD ACCESSORIES OVEN TEMP C 170 - 180 C 160 - 170 C 210 - 220 C 160 - 170 C 170 - 180 C 170 - 180 C, PREHEATED OVEN COOK TIME 40 - 60 MIN 70 - 80 MIN 50 - 60 MIN 50 - 60 MIN 30 - 40 MIN 10 - 12 MIN 30 - 35 MIN 10 - 12 MIN 40 - 50 MIN ROAST BEEF, MEDIUM (1, 3 - 1, 5Kg) DISH on wire rack ROAST PORK (1, 3 - 1, 5Kg) WHOLE CHICKEN (1, 0 - 1, 2Kg) SPONGE CAKE (heavy) SPONGE CAKE (light) COOKIES BREAD LOAF ROLLS MERINGUES DISH on wire rack DISH on wire rack CAKE DISH on wire rack CAKE DISH on wire rack BAKING PLATE BAKING DISH on wire rack BAKING PLATE BAKING PLATE 180 - 200 C, PRE-HEATED OVEN 210 - 220 C, PRE-HEATED OVEN 100 - 120 C, PRE-HEATED OVEN 18 FORCED AIR COMBI USE THIS FUNCTION TO cook roast meats, poultry, and jacket potatoes, frozen convenience foods, sponge cakes, pastry, fish and puddings. ?? TURN THE MULTIFUNCTION KNOB until you find the Forced Air Combi function. (default temperature and MW power is displayed). TURN THE ADJUST KNOB to set the temperature. PRESS THE OK BUTTON to confirm your selection. You will automatically be taken to the next setting. TURN THE ADJUST KNOB to set the Microwave Power Level. PRESS THE OK BUTTON to confirm your selection. You will automatically be taken to the next setting. TURN THE ADJUST KNOB to set the cooking time. ALWAYS USE THE WIRE RACK to put food on to allow the air to circulate properly around the food. ONCE THE HEATING PROCESS has been started the cooking time can easily be adjusted with the adjust knob. Use the back button to return to where you can change power level or end temperature. [. . . ] Open and then close the door before you try again. THIS IS TO AVOID unnecessary calls for which you will be charged. When calling for Service, please give the serial number and type number of the oven (see Service label). Consult your warranty booklet for further advice. [. . . ]


Lastmanuals offre un servizio di condivisione, archiviazione e ricerca di manuali collegati all'uso di hardware e software: la guida per l'uso, il manuale, la guida rapida, le schede tecniche…
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