Istruzioni per l'uso ZANUSSI ZAN2270

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Mode d'emploi ZANUSSI ZAN2270
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[. . . ] IMPORTANTE In caso di reclami, o per l'ordinazione di pezzi di ricambio è indispensabile specificare sull'ordine il modello dell'apparecchio, e il numero della serie. Questi numeri sono riportati sulla targa matricola (applicata sul retro dell'apparecchio) e sul certificato di garanzia in vostro possesso. ATTENZIONE In caso di guasto e/o cattivo funzionamento dell'apparecchiatura, spegnerlo, chiudere il rubinetto del gas, staccare l'apparecchiatura dalla rete elettrica e non manometterlo. Per la eventuale riparazione rivolgersi ai centri di assistenza autorizzati e utilizzare ricambi originali. [. . . ] In case of connection on the left please relate to what already described in paragraph gas connection having care to let the flexible tube pass through a holder see (fig. 20B) in case of inflexible connection, see (fig. Possible leakages have to be checked by means of a soapy solution and never by using a flame. V) Electrical connection Note: In some countries the network voltage in not of 230V as according to E. E. C. So, in order to avoid any kind of misunderstanding, you must take into consederation the 220-240V~ (380 3N~) 50(60)Hz. only when it is written on the text or the tables. Before connecting the cooker to the electricity supply, check that the coltage is as indicated on the nameplate on the back of the cooker. The supply circuit must be connected by an omnipolar switch ensuring disconnection of the mains with distance between the contacts of at least 3 mm. Ensure that the earth wire provided, coloured yellow-green is connected to an effective earthing system. If the mains is not earthed, an earth connection must be provided to current standards. WARNING Your cooker should be fitted with a three pin plug the green/yellow coloured core connected to the EARTH pin marked "E" or coloured green: the brown coloured PORTAGOMMA PER GAS LIQUIDO HOSE ATTACHMENT A = FOR L. P. G. You can watch the best carburation conditions on the picture 23 and you can obtain then when the burners are already hot furthermore; i) once obtained a proper flame take care to lock the screws on the air sleevers. Low setting The installed taps are suitable for all types of gas. To carry out the adjustment of the minimuml flame setting please, follow below steps: a) Light the burners "ON" and leave them on the maximum setting for at least 10 minutes. d) Insert a small screwdriver on the centre of the control knob shaft and turning to the right or to the left, up to obtaining a satisfactory low flame setting (fig. e) Make sure the flame is stable and does not go OUT when the gas tap is turned from maximum to minimum. In case of LPG gas the screw must be locked down fully clockwise. Oven thermostat setting The Low setting must be made as follows: a) Turn the oven burner ON, setting the oven knob at its maximum position (fig. b) Let the oven warm up for at least 10 minutes. c) Set the oven knob on the minimum temperature setting. d) With a small screwdriver act on screw (fig. 25), turn it clockwise (decreasing flame), anticlockwise (increasing flame). e) The flame must be short to obtain the best minimum, steady to avoid accidental estinguishing (no 11 -- FR -- T = FLEXIBLE PIPE Fig. [. . . ] Ces cuisinières sont de classe 1. Ceci signifi que Les poignées aussi peuvent être démontées et 5) Ne pas utiliser l'appareil pour chauffer les cuisines. l'appareil doit être placé à une distance minimale de nettoyées une à une. Essuyer soigneusement 6) Faire attention aux manches de votre vêtement 20 mm de toute paroi adiacente: dans le cas où la avant de monter les pièces à nouveau. [. . . ]


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