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Lastmanuals aiuta a scaricare la guida per l'uso CAME ZA4.
[. . . ] Its very convenient for installer to ' catch quick and accurate Alignment for Antenna to the best direction. [. . . ] Its with auto-protection for LNB short-circuit. ' It includes both AV IN and AV OUT for Camera, LCD. . . etc. Its used with 12V Power Adaptor when you need ' to use external power. It includes high capacity Lithium Battery 8. 4V 3000mAh which works for more than 4 hours after its ' fully charged.
Product Description 1. Guide 1. 1 Face Panel & Button 1. 2 Power On/Off 1. 3Power Supply & Battery 2. to
2. 1. 5 LCN
Select LCN ON or LCN Off.
2. 1. 6 Antenna Setting
To select antenna power ON/OFF.
2. 1. 7 Antenna Power
To select antenna power voltage(OFF/5V/12V/15V/ 18V/24V)
2. 1. 8
To set parameter, and press menu. " OK " to enter into sub-
2. 1. 8. 2 Scan All
To scan all channels, and it auto-restores the scanned channels, and then return to previous menu.
2. 2 Channel Check
2. 3 Multimedia
2. 2. 1 Move
Press button to move Icon.
2. 2. 2 Select
Press select it. button to local channel, and tick the box to
2. 2. 3
Press OK button to enter into multichannel display. Each screen display signal indicators of five channels, and press button to PGUP or PGDOWN.
For multimedia playing, the external flash stick must be inserted into USB port. [. . . ] The preset channel parameters of different countries is used to make auto scan.
2. 4. 2 OSD Language
Set the On Screen Display Language.
2. 4. 3 Audio Language
Set the audio language for watching program.
2. 4. 4 Subtitle Language
Set the language for displaying subtitle .
Modulation Constellation
COFDM QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM 2K, 8K 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 7/8 32Bit RISC 64M 16M Main Proflie@Main Level Up to 15M bit/s 720*576, 720*480 PAL/NTSC/SECAM
Transmission mode Guard interval FEC Processor
CPU & Memories
Video Decoder
Date rate Resolution Video format MPEG-2 Layer 1&2
2. 4. 6 Set Default
Press " factory default " to set default.
Audio Decoder Serial data interface Power supply Physical Specification
Type Sampling rates Connctor Li-oN Battery
Mono 32, 44. 1 and 48KHz USB type 8. 4V 3000mAH 12V 1. 5A 90-240V 155x 95x45 (mm) 0. 5Kg
3. [. . . ]
Lastmanuals offre un servizio di condivisione, archiviazione e ricerca di manuali collegati all'uso di hardware e software: la guida per l'uso, il manuale, la guida rapida, le schede tecniche… Lastmanuals non può in alcun modo essere ritenuta responsabile se il documento che state cercando non è disponibile, incompleto, in una lingua differente dalla vostra, o se il modello o la lingua non corrispondono alla descrizione. Lastmanuals, per esempio, non offre un servizio di traduzione.
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