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[. . . ] n Removable panels for improved service and easier access to
all components.
n The condenser coils are constructed of high-quality copper
ensures similar performances to those achieved with R-22 and offers an economical solution to environmental protection problems. It has no effect on the ozone layer and can be used as a replacement for R-22 in air conditioning applications with small and medium capacities. [. . . ] They are known for their durability and reliability. The motor is fully cooled by suction gas and permits up to 12 starts per hour. The advanced concept of the scroll allows reverse rotation due to incorrect wiring, without impairing the operation of the compressor. These compressors are especially designed for operation with R-407C. n The hydronic module is factory-installed. This eliminates the need to install the necessary components on site, making the unit more compact and easy to install.
Water fill system: - Spherical check valve - Pressure reduction valve - Safety valve Hydronic kit - Flow switch - Suction pressure gauge - Expansion tank - Spherical shutoff valve - Filter - Pressure pump - Spherical control valve - Discharge pressure gauge - Automatic purge. n The optional CCN Clock Board offers enhanced control possibilities: Time scheduling of the unit with up to eight sequences, cascade operation of two units, remote control by communication bus through its RS 485 serial port, time scheduling for low-speed fan operation.
Option Unit without neutral 220-3-50 power supply Unit without hydronic kit Water fill system Coil protection grille x x x x x x x Accessory
Physical data
30RH Net cooling capacity* Net heating capacity** Operating weight Without hydronic module With hydronic module Refrigerant charge R-407C Compressor Control type Water heat exchanger Net water volume l Water connections (MPT gas) in Maximum water pressure (option without hydronic module) kPa Hydronic module Pump Available pressure*** Water inlet connections Water outlet connections Expansion tank water volume Water fill system (option) Inlet/outlet diameter Air heat exchanger Tube diameter No. of rows Tubes/row Fin spacing Fan Diameter No. of blades Air flow Fan speed kW kW kg 245 265 kg 7. 15 One scroll compressor Pro-Dialog Plus One plate heat exchanger 1. 50 1. 88 1 1 1000 1000 2. 16 1-1/4 1000 2. 82 1-1/4 1000 275 305 7. 83 305 335 9. 30 340 370 10. 50 017 16. 70 18. 80 021 21. 60 24. 80 026 24. 60 27. 80 033 29. 00 34. 00
Pump, screen filter, expansion tank, pressure gauge, purge valve, flow switch and flow control kPa in in l in in One single-speed 142 1-1/4 1 8 1/2 125 1-1/4 1 8 1/2 155 1-1/4 1-1/4 8 1/2 142 1-1/4 1-1/4 8 1/2 3/8 4 60 1. 81 610 5 3333 13. 33
mm mm l/s r/s
One, copper tubes and pre-treated aluminium fins 3/8 3/8 3/8 3 2 3 52 60 60 1. 81 1. 81 1. 81 Two propeller fans 500 5 2222 14. 50 610 5 3611 14. 33 610 5 3111 13. 58
* Based on an outdoor entering air temperature of 35°C dry bulb, and a water heat exchanger entering/leaving water temperature of 12°C/7°C. ** Based on an outdoor entering air temperature of 7°C dry bulb/6°C wet bulb, and a water heat exchanger entering/leaving water temperature of 40°C/45°C. *** Based on water flow at nominal cooling conditions
Electrical data
30RH Power supply Voltage range Nominal power input* Effective power input** Nominal current drawn* Effective current drawn** Maximum power input*** Maximum current drawn*** Starting current Pump power input V-ph-Hz V kW kW A A kW A A kW 017 400-3-50 360-440 6. 28 6. 38 10. 75 10. 95 7. 87 13. 50 87 0. 65 8. 95 8. 10 15. 50 15. 75 10. 80 20. 00 132 0. 68 9. 05 9. 25 18. 80 19. 10 12. 23 22. 50 134 0. 89 11. 75 12. 00 24. 55 24. 95 14. 95 28. 00 139 0. 93 021 026 033
* Based on an outdoor entering air temperature of 35°C dry bulb, and a water heat exchanger entering/leaving water temperature of 12°C/7°C. ** Eurovent standard *** Based on an outdoor entering air temperature of 46°C and a water heat exchanger leaving water temperature of 10°C.
Operating range – 30RH units
50 46 42 38 34 30 26 22 18 14 10 6 2 -2 -6 -10 -14 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Outdoor air temperature ºC
25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Outdoor air temperature ºC
Leaving water temperature ºC
Leaving water temperature ºC
Operating range with anti-freeze solution and with special configuration of the Pro-Dialog control system
Dimensions, mm
30RH 017-021 standard unit
1. [. . . ] kPa kPa kW kW COMP UNIT kW l/s 7 COND PRES CAP CAP Integr. kPa kPa kW kW COMP UNIT kW l/s 10 COND PRES CAP CAP Integr. [. . . ]
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