Istruzioni per l'uso OLIVETTI D COPIA 2200MF
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Estratto del manuale: manuale d'uso OLIVETTI D COPIA 2200MF
Istruzioni dettagliate per l'uso sono nel manuale
[. . . ] d-Copia 1800MF d-Copia 2200MF
PUBLICATION ISSUED BY: Olivetti S. p. A. Gruppo Telecom Italia Via Jervis, 77 - 10015 Ivrea (ITALY) www. olivetti. com Copyright © 2009, Olivetti All rights reserved
The mark affixed to the product certifies that the product satisfies the basic quality requirements.
The manufacturer reserves the right to carry out modifications to the product described in this manual at any time and without any notice.
ENERGY STAR is a U. S. registered mark.
The ENERGY STAR program is an energy reduction plan introduced by theUnited States Environmental Protection Agency in response to environmental issues and for the purpose of advancing the development and utilization of more energy efficient office equipment.
Your attention is drawn to the following actions which could compromise the conformity attested to above, as well as the characteristics of the product: · incorrect electrical power supply; · incorrect installation, incorrect or improper use or use not in compliance with the warnings provided in the User's Manual supplied with the product; · replacement of original components or accessories with others of a type not approved by the manufacturer, or performed by unauthorised personnel.
All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher.
Legal and Safety Information
Please read this information before using your machine.
Regarding Tradenames
· · · · · Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT and Internet Explorer are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporationof America and other countries. [. . . ] NOTE: When receiving multiple page image data, the import size cannot be modified for each individual page. (Except when Batch scanning is set) · Resolution (DPI) The four resolutions of 200 × 200 dpi, 300 × 300 dpi, 400 × 400 dpi, 600 × 600 dpi are supported. NOTE: When receiving multiple page image data, the resolution cannot be modified for each individual page. (Except when Batch scanning is set)
If a hard disk error occurs
If the hard disk runs out of available space during receiving image data from the scanner, reception of subsequent images will be aborted and image data received up to that point will be lost. IMPORTANT: Caution when the icon color changes to yellow!If the used space of the hard disk reaches the preconfigured warning percentage, the Windows taskbar icon will change to yellow to alert this condition to the user. If this occurs, free up space on the hard disk by deleting unnecessary files or moving data to other media.
Included Scanner Utilities
Service Mode
When Scanner File Utility is installed in Service Mode, the following settings are added. 1 2 Even if a user is not logged on to the computer, the Scanner File Utility remains available to receive scanned data. To change Scanner File Utility settings, select Stop under Scanner File Utility. To restart and wait for scanned data, choose Start under Scanner File Utility. · To Stop the Scanner File Utility. . . Right-click on the taskbar icon to show the dropdown list and choose Stop. The icon switches a prohibited symbol and the Scanner File Utility no longer accepts received scan data. Stopping the Scanner File Utility · To Start the Scanner File Utility. . . Right-click on the taskbar icon to show the dropdown list and choose Start. The icon prohibited symbol is cleared and the Scanner File Utility now accepts received scan data. Starting the Scanner File Utility
Included Scanner Utilities
Address Editor
About the Address Editor
Use the Address Editor to register or modify addresses in the scanner Address Book (Common Address Book). This tool is used by the administrator to perform address book maintenance. If there are multiple Address Editor-compatible scanners present, they can be easily managed by specifying all of the scanners in the same destination list. Recommended Operating Environment Hardware Interfaces Operating System IBM PC/AT Compatible 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Windows 2000 (Service Pack 2 or later), Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista
Installing and Uninstalling Installing Address Editor
Click Scanner Tools from the Product Library CD-ROM main menu.
Click Address Editor.
Follow the wizard to complete the installation.
Uninstalling Address Editor
Use the Windows Add or Remove Programs feature to uninstall the application.
Launching Address Editor
Launch Address Editor NOTE: Click the Windows start button, and on the menu that appears select All Programs Scanner User Software Address Editor to launch Address Editor.
Included Scanner Utilities 2
The Address Editor main menu is displayed.
1 2 3 4
No. 1 2 3 4
Item Menu Bar Toolbar Menu Area Work Area
Description Use toolbar or menu area buttons selecting from the menu bar. A row of buttons is provided for easy access to write edited data to the scanner or other operations. [. . . ] · There is problem with the computer running Address Book for Scanner (Private Address Book). ·
· E061
An error has occurred for one of the group Check the group member (destination)'s members (destinations) when group is computer and correct any problems. selected during Send E-Mail or Scan to PC. The network cable is not connected properly.
Confirm the network cable is properly connected. [. . . ]
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