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[. . . ] Windows Me, Windows Server and Windows XP is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation. IBM and IBM PC/AT are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation of America. Adobe, Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Inc.
All other brand and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies. [. . . ] If the password is incorrect, an error occurs and you cannot proceed to the next step.
Press the Start key on the scanner's operation panel. The original is scanned and image data is sent from the scanner to the computer. The computer converts the received image data into a compressed file and saves it in the specified save folder. NOTE: Use a commercial software application to view, edit or mail the file saved in the specified folder.
Included Scanner Utilities
File Names
When saving data files at the computer, the details configured in advance from the web browser are added to the filename (character string less than 16 characters + file extension). If not specified, the filename will be automatically determined based on predefined rules. The file naming convention for automatic naming is as follows. Filename: *******nnnn_mmm. Extension Text String ******* nnnn mmm Extension Description Filename stored in each scanner. Indicates the document scan number, represented by a 4 digit number between 0000 - 9999. Used for each page when saving an original with multiple pages, represented by a 3 digit number between 0 - 999. Extension is automatically assigned by Scanner File Utility depending on the file type.
IMPORTANT: When the number for the auto-naming rule conflicts with a same file name range or same file name, and the Setup dialog box Permit File Overwrite is checked (see page 3-7), the older existing files is overwritten by newly saved files.
About Image Data
· File Type TIFF and PDF formats are supported. · Image data size Standard sizes: A3, A4, A5, B4, B5, B6, 11 × 15", Folio, 11 × 17", 8 1/2 × 11", 8 1/2 × 14", 5 1/2 × 8 1/2", 8 1/2 × 13", 8K, 16K Non-standard sizes: 50 - 432 mm (17") width, 50 - 297 mm (A4 Long) height. Select desired items to configure such as scanner or e-mail settings. Display each setting window here for configuration.
Edit Data Selection Screen
Select the Address Editor data to edit. The available edit methods are connect to the scanner and directly edit scanner settings or create or edit settings data without connecting to the scanner. Data created or edited without connecting to the scanner is sent to the scanner after editing is complete. NOTE: When Address Editor is launched, Connect (Scanner Address Setting) is selected.
Included Scanner Utilities
Scanner Address Setting
Scanner Address Enter the address (hostname or IP address) of the scanner to connect. The dropdown list shows the most recently used 10 scanner addresses. Enter the hostname using less than 32 characters. Search Button Search for connected scanners. Use this button when configuring scanners whose IP address is set by a DHCP server or if you do not know the scanner's IP address. For Scanner Search operation, see Scanner Search on page 3-15. Create or edit new Address Editor data without connecting to a scanner. [. . . ] Confirm that Address Book for Scanner (Private Address Book) is running properly on the destination PC. Confirm that no other programs to receive network data are running on the computer other than Address Book for Scanner (Private Address Book). Resolve the error condition on the destination PC. -- -- -- Reference Page --
· E059 Invalid command received from computer. [. . . ]
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