Istruzioni per l'uso PANASONIC S-73MU1E51

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[. . . ] * Shows U1 type (4-Way Cassette) Model No. Indoor Units 4-Way Cassette (U1 type) S-22MU1E51 S-73MU1E51 S-28MU1E51 S-90MU1E51 S-36MU1E51 S-106MU1E51 S-45MU1E51 S-140MU1E51 S-56MU1E51 S-160MU1E51 S-60MU1E51 Operating Instructions Air Conditioner Outdoor Units mini (LE1 type) U-4LE1E5 U-5LE1E5 U-6LE1E5 U-4LE1E8 U-5LE1E8 U-6LE1E8 Outdoor Units 2W??(ME1 type) U-8ME1E81 U-10ME1E81 U-12ME1E81 U-14ME1E81 U-16ME1E81 U-18ME1E81 U-20ME1E81 Outdoor Units 3W??(MF1 type) U-8MF1E8 U-10MF1E8 U-12MF1E8 U-14MF1E8 U-16MF1E8 2 ~ 13 14 ~ 25 26 ~ 37 38 ~ 49 Indoor Units Low Silhouette Ducted (F2 type) S-22MF2E5 S-73MF2E5 S-28MF2E5 S-90MF2E5 S-36MF2E5 S-106MF2E5 S-45MF2E5 S-140MF2E5 S-56MF2E5 S-160MF2E5 S-60MF2E5 U-8ME1E8(E) U-10ME1E8(E) U-12ME1E8(E) U-14ME1E8(E) U-16ME1E8(E) U-18ME1E8(E) U-20ME1E8(E) ENGLISH FRANAIS ESPAOL DEUTSCH Before operating the unit, read these operating instructions thoroughly and keep them for future reference. [. . . ] Fare riferimento al manuale dei componenti dell?uscita d?aria acquistati localmente. 57 05_F568275_IT. fm Page 58 Monday, March 5, 2012 10:26 AM REGOLAZIONE DELLA DIREZIONE DEL GETTO D?ARIA DI PI UNIT INTERNE TRAMITE UN UNICO TELECOMANDO (CON FILI) ?Per i tipi a condotto nascosto (F2), la direzione del getto d?aria non regolabile tramite telecomando. Se a un telecomando sono collegate pi unit interne, possibile impostare la direzione del getto d?aria per ciascuna unit interna selezionando le unit interne (fare riferimento alla procedura sotto descritta). Per impostare il getto d?aria delle singole unit, premere il pulsante Unit (UNIT). Il display visualizza il numero dell?unit interna sotto il controllo di gruppo. Impostare la direzione del getto d?aria per l?unit interna visualizzata sul display. Ad ogni pressione del pulsante Unit (UNIT), l?indicatore cambia nell?ordine sotto illustrato. Se non viene visualizzato nulla, possibile effettuare l?impostazione di tutte le unit in un?unica operazione. Il numero dell?unit viene visualizzato come Numero unit esterne?Numero unit interne. Varia a seconda del numero di unit sotto il controllo di gruppo. Due unit esterne e quattro unit interne No. unit 2?4 Pulsante Regolazione automatica deflettore (Auto Flap) ( ) ? ?? Un?unit esterna e otto unit interne Nessuna visualizzazione No. unit 1?3 58 05_F568275_IT. fm Page 59 Monday, March 5, 2012 10:26 AM OSSERVAZIONI SPECIALI Deumidificazione (DRY) Come funziona?Riscaldamento Rendimento del riscaldamento ?Poich l?apparecchio riscalda una stanza utilizzando il calore dell?aria esterna (sistema della pompa di calore), l?efficienza del riscaldamento diminuisce quando la temperatura esterna molto bassa. Se con la pompa di calore non possibile ottenere il un riscaldamento sufficiente, utilizzare un?ulteriore apparecchiatura di riscaldamento unitamente a questa unit. Quando la temperatura esterna bassa, sulla serpentina dello scambiatore di calore esterno possono formarsi brina o ghiaccio, riducendo il rendimento del riscaldamento. Quando ci accade, entra in funzione un sistema di sbrinamento controllato da microprocessore. Allo stesso tempo la ventola dell?unit interna si arresta (o in taluni casi funziona a velocit molto bassa) e l?indicatore ?STANDBY?viene visualizzato sul display finch lo sbrinamento non terminato. Dopo alcuni minuti ricomincia quindi il riscaldamento. [. . . ] Un filtro ostruito compromette il rendimento dell?unit. Per evitare fughe d?aria condizionata, tenere chiuse finestre, porte ed altre aperture. NOTA Mancanza di corrente durante il funzionamento dell?unit In caso di una temporanea mancanza di corrente, l?unit riprende automaticamente a funzionare, al ripristino della corrente, con le stesse impostazioni che aveva prima dell?interruzione. 61 13_F568275_Spec. fm Page 148 Thursday, March 15, 2012 10:49 AM SPECIFICATIONS 4-Way Cassette (U1 type) Model Name Power Source Cooling Capacity Heating Capacity High Low High Sound Power Level Low Unit Dimensions (HWD) Net Weight Model Name Power Source Cooling Capacity Heating Capacity High Low High Sound Power Level Low Unit Dimensions (HWD) Net Weight kW BTU/h kW BTU/h dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) mm kg 7. 3 24, 900 8. 0 27, 300 37 32 29 54 49 46 290950950 28 kW BTU/h kW BTU/h dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) mm kg 2. 2 7, 500 2. 5 8, 500 30 29 28 47 46 45 290950950 27 2. 8 9, 600 3. 2 10, 900 30 29 28 47 46 45 290950950 27 S-22MU1E51 S-28MU1E51 S-36MU1E51 S-45MU1E51 S-56MU1E51 S-60MU1E51 220 - 230 - 240 V, single-phase, 50 Hz 3. 6 12, 300 4. 2 14, 300 30 29 28 47 46 45 290950950 27 4. 5 15, 400 5. 0 17, 100 31 29 28 48 46 45 290950950 27 5. 6 19, 100 6. 3 21, 500 33 30 28 50 47 45 290950950 27 6. 0 20, 500 7. 1 24, 200 36 32 29 53 49 46 290950950 28 Sound Pressure Level Medium dB(A) Medium dB(A) S-73MU1E51 S-90MU1E51 S-106MU1E51 S-140MU1E51 S-160MU1E51 220 - 230 - 240 V, single-phase, 50 Hz 9. 0 30, 700 10. 0 34, 100 38 35 32 55 52 49 290950950 28 10. 6 36, 200 11. 4 38, 900 44 38 34 61 55 51 353950950 31 14. 0 47, 800 16. 0 54, 600 45 39 35 62 55 51 353950950 31 16. 0 54, 600 18. 0 61, 400 46 40 38 63 56 53 353950950 31 Sound Pressure Level Medium dB(A) Medium dB(A) 148 13_F568275_Spec. fm Page 149 Thursday, March 15, 2012 10:49 AM SPECIFICATIONS Low Silhouette Ducted (F2 type) Model Name Power Source Cooling Capacity Heating Capacity High Low High Sound Power Level Low Unit Dimensions (HWD) Net Weight Model Name Power Source Cooling Capacity Heating Capacity High Low High Sound Power Level Low Unit Dimensions (HWD) Net Weight kW BTU/h kW BTU/h dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) mm kg 7. 3 24, 900 8. 0 27, 300 35 32 26 57 54 48 34 kW BTU/h kW BTU/h dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) mm kg 2. 2 7, 500 2. 5 8, 500 33 29 25 55 51 47 290800700 29 S-73MF2E5 2. 8 9, 600 3. 2 10, 900 33 29 25 55 51 47 290800700 29 S-22MF2E5 S-28MF2E5 S-36MF2E5 3. 6 12, 300 4. 2 14, 300 33 29 25 55 51 47 290800700 29 S-45MF2E5 4. 5 15, 400 5. 0 17, 100 34 32 28 56 54 50 290800700 29 S-56MF2E5 5. 6 19, 100 6. 3 21, 500 34 32 28 56 54 50 29 S-60MF2E5 6. 0 20, 500 7. 1 24, 200 35 32 26 57 54 48 34 220 - 230 - 240 V, single-phase, 50 Hz Sound Pressure Level Medium dB(A) Medium dB(A) 290800700 2901, 000700 S-90MF2E5 S-106MF2E5 S-140MF2E5 S-160MF2E5 220 - 230 - 240 V, single-phase, 50 Hz 9. 0 30, 700 10. 0 34, 100 37 34 28 59 56 50 34 10. 6 36, 200 11. 4 38, 900 38 34 31 60 56 53 46 14. 0 47, 800 16. 0 54, 600 39 35 32 61 57 54 46 16. 0 54, 600 18. 0 61, 400 40 36 33 62 58 55 46 Sound Pressure Level Medium dB(A) Medium dB(A) 2901, 000700 2901, 000700 2901, 400700 2901, 400700 2901, 400700 149 13_F568275_Spec. fm Page 150 Thursday, March 15, 2012 10:49 AM SPECIFICATIONS Mini (LE1 type) (Single-phase) Model Name Power Source Cooling Capacity Heating Capacity Sound Pressure Level (C/H) Sound Power Level (C/H) Unit Dimensions (HWD) Net Weight kW BTU/h kW BTU/h dB(A) dB(A) mm kg 104 U-4LE1E5 12. 1 41, 300 12. 5 42, 700 50/52 68/70 U-5LE1E5 14. 0 47, 800 16. 0 54, 600 51/53 69/71 1330940340 104 104 U-6LE1E5 15. 5 52, 900 18. 0 61, 400 52/55 70/73 220 - 230 - 240 V, single-phase, 50 Hz Mini (LE1 type) (3-phase) Model Name Power Source Cooling Capacity Heating Capacity Sound Pressure Level (C/H) Sound Power Level (C/H) Unit Dimensions (HWD) Net Weight kW BTU/h kW BTU/h dB(A) dB(A) mm kg 103 U-4LE1E8 12. 1 41, 300 12. 5 42, 700 50/52 68/70 U-5LE1E8 14. 0 47, 800 16. 0 54, 600 51/53 69/71 1330940340 103 103 U-6LE1E8 15. 5 52, 900 18. 0 61, 400 52/55 70/73 380 - 400 - 415 V, 3-phase, 50 Hz 150 13_F568275_Spec. fm Page 151 Thursday, March 15, 2012 10:49 AM SPECIFICATIONS 2WAY (ME1 type) Model Name Power Source Cooling Capacity Heating Capacity Sound Pressure Level Sound Power Level Unit Dimensions (HWD) Net Weight Model Name Power Source Cooling Capacity Heating Capacity Sound Pressure Level Sound Power Level Unit Dimensions (HWD) Net Weight kW BTU/h kW BTU/h dB(A) dB(A) mm kg kW BTU/h kW BTU/h dB(A) dB(A) mm kg 22. 4 76, 500 25. 0 85, 300 56. 5 71. 0 1758770930 234 U-18ME1E81 U-8ME1E81 U-10ME1E81 U-12ME1E81 U-14ME1E81 U-16ME1E81 380 - 400 - 415 V, 3-phase, 50 Hz 28. 0 95, 600 31. 5 107, 500 59. 0 73. 5 1758770930 234 U-20ME1E81 33. 5 114, 300 37. 5 128, 000 61. 0 75. 5 1758770930 281 40. 0 136, 500 45. 0 153, 600 62. 0 76. 5 309 45. 0 153, 600 50. 0 170, 600 62. 0 76. 5 309 17581000930 17581000930 380 - 400 - 415 V, 3-phase, 50 Hz 50. 0 170, 600 56. 0 191, 100 60. 0 74. 5 421 56. 0 191, 100 63. 0 215, 000 63. 0 77. 5 421 17581540930 17581540930 151 13_F568275_Spec. fm Page 152 Thursday, March 15, 2012 10:49 AM SPECIFICATIONS 2WAY (ME1 type) Standard-COP mode Model Name U-8ME1E8 U-8ME1E8E 380 - 400 - 415 V, 3-phase, 50/60 Hz 22. 4 76, 500 25. 0 85, 300 56. 5 71. 0 1758770930 230 U-18ME1E8 U-18ME1E8E U-10ME1E8 U-10ME1E8E U-12ME1E8 U-12ME1E8E U-14ME1E8 U-14ME1E8E U-16ME1E8 U-16ME1E8E Power Source Cooling Capacity Heating Capacity Sound Pressure Level Sound Power Level Unit Dimensions (HWD) Net Weight Model Name kW BTU/h kW BTU/h dB(A) dB(A) mm kg 380 - 400 - 415 V, 3-phase, 50 Hz 28. 0 95, 600 31. 5 107, 500 59. 0 73. 5 1758770930 281 U-20ME1E8 U-20ME1E8E 33. 5 114, 300 37. 5 128, 000 61. 0 75. 5 1758770930 281 40. 0 136, 500 45. 0 153, 600 62. 0 76. 5 307 45. 0 153, 600 50. 0 170, 600 62. 0 76. 5 307 17581000930 17581000930 Power Source Cooling Capacity Heating Capacity Sound Pressure Level Sound Power Level Unit Dimensions (HWD) Net Weight kW BTU/h kW BTU/h dB(A) dB(A) mm kg 380 - 400 - 415 V, 3-phase, 50 Hz 50. 0 170, 600 56. 0 191, 100 60. 0 74. 5 423 56. 0 191, 100 63. 0 215, 000 63. 0 77. 5 423 17581540930 17581540930 * Outdoor unit model name ended with letters "E8E" is salt-air damage resistant specifications. 2WAY (ME1 type) High-COP mode Model Name U-8ME1E8 U-8ME1E8E 380 - 400 - 415 V, 3-phase, 50/60 Hz 22. 4 76, 500 25. 0 85, 300 56. 5 71. 0 1758770930 230 U-14ME1E8 U-14ME1E8E U-16ME1E8 U-16ME1E8E U-18ME1E8 U-18ME1E8E U-20ME1E8 U-20ME1E8E Power Source Cooling Capacity Heating Capacity Sound Pressure Level Sound Power Level Unit Dimensions (HWD) Net Weight kW BTU/h kW BTU/h dB(A) dB(A) mm kg 380 - 400 - 415 V, 3-phase, 50 Hz 28. 0 95, 600 31. 5 107, 500 60. 0 72. 0 307 33. 5 114, 300 37. 5 128, 000 60. 0 72. 0 307 40. 0 136, 500 45. 0 153, 600 59. 0 75. 0 423 45. 0 153, 600 50. 0 170, 600 60. 0 76. 0 423 17581000930 17581000930 17581540930 17581540930 * Outdoor unit model name ended with letters "E8E" is salt-air damage resistant specifications. 152 13_F568275_Spec. fm Page 153 Thursday, March 15, 2012 10:49 AM SPECIFICATIONS 3WAY (MF1 type) Model Name Power Source Cooling Capacity Heating Capacity Sound Pressure Level Sound Power Level Unit Dimensions (HWD) Net Weight kW BTU/h kW BTU/h dB(A) dB(A) mm kg 290 22. 4 76, 400 25. 0 85, 300 54. 7 68. 4 U-8MF1E8 U-10MF1E8 28. 0 95, 500 31. 5 107, 500 55. 3 69. 0 290 U-12MF1E8 33. 5 114, 300 37. 5 128, 000 56. 3 70. 0 290 U-14MF1E8 40. 0 136, 500 45. 0 153, 600 60. 3 74. 0 340 U-16MF1E8 45. 0 153, 600 50. 0 170, 600 60. 5 73. 7 340 380 - 400 - 415 V, 3-phase, 50 Hz 1887890(890(Ceiling dimension)(+60)) 153 13_F568275_Spec. fm Page 154 Thursday, March 15, 2012 10:49 AM SPECIFICATIONS English 4-Way Cassette (U1 type) Ceiling (T1 type) High Static Pressure Ducted (E1 type) 4-Way Cassette 60x60 (Y1 type) Slim Low Static Ducted (M1 type) Low Silhouette Ducted (F2 type) 2-Way Cassette (L1 type) 1-Way Cassette (D1 type) Floor Standing (P1 type) Concealed Floor Standing (R1 type) Wall Mounted (K1 type) Standard-COP mode High-COP mode Mini (LE1 type) 2WAY(ME1 type) 3WAY(MF1 type) CARACTRISTIQUES / ESPECIFICACIONES / TECHNISCHE DATEN / SPECIFICHE / SPECIFICATIE / ESPECIFICAES Espaol Cassette de 4 vas (tipo U1) Techo (tipo T1) Conductos de presin esttica alta (tipo E1) Franais Cassette 4 voies (Type U1) Plafond (Type T1) Conduit Haute Pression Statique (Type E1) Cassette 4 voies 60x60 (Type Y1) Conduit Mince Faible Statique (Type M1) Conduit Silhouette Basse (Type F2) Cassette 2 voies (Type L1) Cassette 1 voie (Type D1) Vertical au sol (Type P1) Vertical au sol cach (Type R1) Mont au mur (Type K1) Mode COP standard Mode COP lev Mini (Type LE1) 2WAY (Type ME1) 3WAY (Type MF1) Deutsch 4-Weg Kassette (Typ U1) Deckenmontage (Typ T1) Kanalgert mit hoher statischer Pressung (Typ E1) Cassette de 4 vas 60x60 (tipo Y1) 4-Weg Kassette 60 x 60 (Typ Y1) Conductos finos de presin esttica baja (tipo M1) Conductos de silueta baja (tipo F2) Cassette de 2 vas (tipo L1) Cassette de 1 va (tipo D1) De pie (tipo P1) De pie y oculto (tipo R1) Montado en pared (tipo K1) Modo COP estndar Modo COP alto Mini (tipo LE1) 2WAY (tipo ME1) 3WAY (tipo MF1) Flaches Kanalgert mit niedriger statischer Pressung (M1) Kanalgert, flache Bauform (Typ F2) 2-Weg Kassette (Typ L1) 1-Weg Kassette (Typ D1) Bodenaufstellung (Typ P1) Bodenaufstellung/Einbau (Typ R1) Wandmontage (Typ K1) COP-Modus Standard COP-Modus hoch Mini (Typ LE1) 2WAY (Typ ME1) 3WAY (Typ MF1) English 4-Way Cassette (U1 type) Ceiling (T1 type) High Static Pressure Ducted (E1 type) 4-Way Cassette 60x60 (Y1 type) Slim Low Static Ducted (M1 type) Low Silhouette Ducted (F2 type) 2-Way Cassette (L1 type) 1-Way Cassette (D1 type) Floor Standing (P1 type) Concealed Floor Standing (R1 type) Wall Mounted (K1 type) Standard-COP mode High-COP mode Mini (LE1 type) 2WAY(ME1 type) 3WAY(MF1 type) Italiano A cassetta a 4 vie (tipo U1) A soffitto (tipo T1) A condotto ad alta pressione statica (tipo E1) A cassetta a 4 vie 60x60 (tipo Y1) Sottile a condotto a bassa pressione statica (tipo M1) A profilo basso a condotto (tipo F2) A cassetta a 2 vie (tipo L1) A cassetta a 1 via (tipo D1) A pavimento (tipo P1) A pavimento nascosto (tipo R1) Con montaggio a parete (tipo K1) Modalit COP standard Modalit COP alta Mini (tipo LE1) 2WAY (tipo ME1) 3WAY (tipo MF1) Nederlands 4-weg cassette (type U1) Plafond (type T1) Kanaalmodel met hoge statische druk (type E1) 4-weg cassette 60x60 (type Y1) Slank laag statisch kanaalmodel (type M1) Kanaalmodel met onopvallend silhouet (type F2) 2-weg cassette (type L1) 1-weg cassette (type D1) Vloermodel (type P1) Verborgen vloermodel (type R1) Wandmodel (K1) Standaard-COP-modus Hoge-COP-modus Mini (type LE1) 2WAY (type ME1) 3WAY (type MF1) Portugus Cassete de 4 vias (Tipo U1) Tecto (Tipo T1) Presso esttica elevada no tubo (Tipo E1) Cassete de 4 vias 60x60 (Tipo Y1) Esttica baixa fina no tubo (Tipo M1) Baixo perfil no tubo (Tipo F2) Cassete de 2 vias (Tipo L1) Cassete de 1 via (Tipo D1) Montagem no cho (Tipo P1) Montagem no cho oculta (Tipo R1) Montagem na parede (Tipo K1) Modo COP padro Modo COP alto Mini (Tipo LE1) 2WAY (Tipo ME1) 3WAY (Tipo MF1) 154 13_F568275_Spec. fm Page 155 Thursday, March 15, 2012 10:49 AM SPECIFICATIONS English Model Name Power Source Cooling Capacity Heating Capacity Sound Pressure Level (High/ Medium/Low) Sound Power Level (High/ Medium/Low) Unit Dimensions (HxWxD; mm) (HxWxD: ceiling dimension) Net Weight (kg) Outdoor unit model name ended with letters ?E8E?is salt-air damage resistant specifications. CARACTRISTIQUES / ESPECIFICACIONES / TECHNISCHE DATEN / SPECIFICHE / SPECIFICATIE / ESPECIFICAES Espaol Nombre del modelo Fuente de alimentacin Capacidad de refrigeracin Capacidad de calefaccin Nivel de presin acstica (alto/ medio/bajo) Nivel de potencia acstica (alto/ medio/bajo) Dimensiones de la unidad (Alto x Largo x Ancho; mm) (Alto x Largo x Ancho: dimensin del techo) Peso neto (kg) El nombre del modelo de la unidad exterior termina con los caracteres ?E8E?para indicar sus especificaciones de resistencia al aire salado. Franais Nom du modle Source d'alimentation Capacit de refroidissement Capacit de chauffage Niveau de pression sonore (Haut/ Moyen/Bas) Niveau de puissance sonore (Haut/Moyen/Bas) Dimensions d'unit (HxLxP ; mm) (HxLxP : dimensions plafond) Poids net (kg) Les noms de modle d'unit extrieure se terminant par les lettres E8E sont des spcifications de rsistance aux dommages provoqus par l'air marin. Deutsch Modellbezeichnung Spannungsquelle Khlleistung Heizleistung Schalldruckpegel (hoch/mittel/ niedrig) Schallleistungspegel (hoch/mittel/ niedrig) Gerteabmessungen (H x B x T [mm]) (H x B x T: Deckenma) Nettogewicht (kg) Die Aueneinheit, deren Modelbezeichnung auf ?E8E? [. . . ]


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