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[. . . ] e-Manual
Philips LCD Monitor Electronic User's Manual
file:///D|/My%20documents/dfu/J/italian/200P4/INDEX. HTM [4/15/2004 2:08:23 PM]
Sicurezza e Risoluzione Problemi
·Manutenzione e precauzioni di sicurezza ·Collocazione delle Manutenzione e precauzioni di sicurezza installazioni ·Domande ricorrenti PERICOLO: L'utilizzo di dispositivi, registrazioni o procedure differenti da ·Risoluzione quelle specificate nelle presenti istruzioni possono esporre al rischio di corto dei problemi circuito, rischi elettrici e/o rischi meccanici. ·Informazioni Leggere e seguire le presenti istruzioni durante il collegamento e l'utilizzo del monitor del computer: legali ·Ulteriori q Disconnettere il monitor in caso di non utilizzo prolungato. informazioni q Disconnettere il monitor, se avete intenzione di pulirlo con un panno leggermente umido. È invece correlate sufficiente spegnere il monitor per spolverarlo con un panno asciutto. [. . . ] Your purchase has also contributed to reducing the burden on the environment and also to the further development of environmentally adapted electronics products. Why do we have environmentally labeled computers?
In many countries, environmental labeling has become an established method for encouraging the adaptation of goods and services to the environment. The main problem, as far as computers and other electronics equipment are concerned, is that environmentally harmful substances are used both in the products and during their manufacture. Since it is not so far possible to satisfactorily recycle the majority of electronics equipment, most of these potentially damaging substances sooner or later enter nature. There are also other characteristics of a computer, such as energy consumption levels, that are important from the viewpoints of both the work (internal) and natural (external) environments. Since all methods of electricity generation have a negative effect on the environment (e. g. acidic and climate-influencing emissions, radioactive waste), it is vital to save energy. Electronics equipment in offices is often left running continuously and thereby consumes a lot of energy.
What does labeling involve?
This product meets the requirements for the TCO'99 scheme which provides for international and environmental labeling of personal computers. The labeling scheme was developed as a joint effort by the TCO (The Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees), Svenska Naturskyddsforeningen (The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation) and Statens Energimyndighet (The Swedish National Energy Administration). Approval requirements cover a wide range of issues: environment, ergonomics, usability, emission of electric and magnetic fields, energy consumption and electrical and fire safety. The environmental demands impose restrictions on the presence and use of heavy metals, brominated and chlorinated flame retardants, CFCs (freons) and chlorinated solvents, among other things. The product must be prepared for recycling and the manufacturer is obliged to have an environmental policy which must be adhered to in each country where the company implements its operational policy. The energy requirements include a demand that the computer and/or display, after a certain period of inactivity, shall reduce its power consumption to a lower level in one or more stages. The length of time to reactivate the computer shall be reasonable for the user. Labeled products must meet strict environmental demands, for example, in respect of the reduction of electric and magnetic fields, physical and visual ergonomics and good usability. Below you will find a brief summary of the environmental requirements met by this product. The complete
file:///D|/My%20documents/dfu/J/italian/200P4/safety/regs/regulat. htm (1 of 13) [4/15/2004 2:09:06 PM]
Regulatory Information
environmental criteria document may be ordered from: Information for UK only ·Troubleshooting TCO Development Other Related · Information SE-114 94 Stockholm, Sweden ·Frequently Asked Fax: +46 8 782 92 07 Questions (FAQs) Email (Internet): development@tco. se · Current information regarding TCO'99 approved and labeled products may also be obtained via the Internet, using the address: http://www. tco-info. com/
Environmental Requirements Flame retardants
Flame retardants are present in printed circuit boards, cables, wires, casings and housings. Their purpose is to prevent, or at least to delay the spread of fire. Up to 30% of the plastic in a computer casing can consist of flame retardant substances. Most flame retardants contain bromine or chloride, and those flame retardants are chemically related to another group of environmental toxins, PCBs. Both the flame retardants containing bromine or chloride and the PCBs are suspected of giving rise to severe health effects, including reproductive damage in fish-eating birds and mammals, due to the bio-accumulative* processes. Flame retardants have been found in human blood and researchers fear that disturbances in fetus development may occur. [. . . ] Industrial Vallejo C. P. 02300, -Mexico, D. F. Phone: (05)-3687788 / 9180050462 Fax : (05)-7284272
file:///D|/My%20documents/dfu/J/italian/warranty/WARCIC. HTM (3 of 9) [4/15/2004 2:10:24 PM]
Consumer Information Centers
PARAGUAY Philips del Paraguay S. A. Avenida Artigas 1513 Casilla de Correos 605 Asuncion Phone: (021)-211666 Fax : (021)-213007
PERU Philips Peruana S. A. Customer Desk Comandante Espinar 719 Casilla 1841 Limab18 Phone: (01)-2136200 Fax : (01)-2136276
URUGUAY Ind. Philips del Uruguay S. A. [. . . ]
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