Istruzioni per l'uso PHILIPS 247E3LPHSU

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[. . . ] 247E3L www. philips. com/welcome IT Manualed'uso AssistenzaClientieGaranzia 1 30 RisoluzionedeiproblemieFAQ 3 Indice 1. Importante. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1. 1 Manutenzioneeprecauzionidi sicurezza. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1. 2 Avvisielegenda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 1. 3 Smaltimentodelprodottoedei materialid'imballaggio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 2. Impostazionedelmonitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2. 1 Installazione. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . [. . . ] Informazionilegali Lead-freeProduct Leadfreedisplaypromotes environmentallysoundrecovery anddisposalofwastefromelectrical andelectronicequipment. Toxic substanceslikeLeadhasbeeneliminated andcompliancewithEuropeancommunity's stringentRoHsdirectivemandatingrestrictions onhazardoussubstancesinelectricaland electronicequipmenthavebeenadheredto inordertomakePhilipsmonitorssafetouse throughoutitslifecycle. Thisdisplayisdesignedforbothyouandthe planet Thedisplayyouhavejustpurchased carriestheTCOCertifiedlabel. Thisensuresthatyourdisplayis designed, manufacturedandtestedaccordingto someofthestrictestqualityandenvironmental requirementsintheworld. Thismakesfora highperformanceproduct, designedwiththe userinfocusthatalsominimizestheimpacton theclimateandournaturalenvironment. TCOCertifiedisathirdpartyverifiedprogram, whereeveryproductmodelistestedbyan accreditedimpartialtestlaboratory. TCO Certifiedrepresentsoneofthetoughest certificationsfordisplaysworldwide. SomeoftheUsabilityfeaturesoftheTCO Certifiedfordisplays: · Visualergonomicsforgoodimagequality istestedtoensuretopperformanceand reducesightandstrainproblems. Important parametersareluminance, contrast, resolution, blacklevel, gammacurve, colour andluminanceuniformityandcolour rendering. · Productsaretestedaccordingtorigorous safetystandardsatimpartiallaboratories. · Electricandmagneticfieldsemissionsas lowasnormalhouseholdbackground levels. · Lowacousticnoiseemissions(when applicable). SomeoftheEnvironmentalfeaturesofthe TCOCertifiedfordisplays: · Thebrandownerdemonstratescorporate socialresponsibilityandhasacertified environmentalmanagementsystem(EMAS orISO14001). · Verylowenergyconsumptionbothinon- andstandbymodeminimizeclimateimpact. · Restrictionsonchlorinatedandbrominated flameretardants, plasticizers, plasticsand heavymetalssuchascadmium, mercury andlead(RoHScompliance). · Bothproductandproductpackagingis preparedforrecycling. · Thebrandownerofferstake-backoptions. Therequirementscanbedownloadedfromour website. Therequirementsincludedinthislabel havebeendevelopedbyTCODevelopment inco-operationwithscientists, experts, usersas wellasmanufacturersallovertheworld. Since theendofthe1980sTCOhasbeeninvolved ininfluencingthedevelopmentofITequipment inamoreuser-friendlydirection. Ourlabeling systemstartedwithdisplaysin1992andis nowrequestedbyusersandIT-manufacturers allovertheworld. About0%ofalldisplays worldwideareTCOcertified. Formoreinformation, pleasevisit: www. tcodevelopment. com TCOF108TCODocument, Ver. 2. 1 Technology for you and the planet 24 7. Informazioni legali EPEAT (www. epeat. net) TheEPEAT(Electronic ProductEnvironmental AssessmentTool)program evaluatescomputer desktops, laptops, andmonitorsbasedon 1environmentalcriteriadevelopedthrough anextensivestakeholderconsensusprocess supportedbyUSEPA. EPEATsystemhelpspurchasersinthepublic andprivatesectorsevaluate, compareand selectdesktopcomputers, notebooksand monitorsbasedontheirenvironmental attributes. EPEATalsoprovidesaclearand consistentsetofperformancecriteriaforthe designofproducts, andprovidesanopportunity formanufacturerstosecuremarketrecognition foreffortstoreducetheenvironmentalimpact ofitsproducts. " BenefitsofEPEAT Reduceuseofprimarymaterials Reduceuseoftoxicmaterials AvoidthedisposalofhazardouswasteEPEAT'S requirementthatallregisteredproductsmeet ENERGYSTAR'senergyefficiencyspecifications, meansthattheseproductswillconsumeless energythroughouttheirlife. CEDeclarationofConformity Thisproductisinconformitywiththefollowing standards · EN6090-1:2006(Safetyrequirementof InformationTechnologyEquipment). · EN022:2006(RadioDisturbance requirementofInformationTechnology Equipment). · EN024:1998+A1:2001+A2:2003 (ImmunityrequirementofInformation TechnologyEquipment). · EN61000-3-2:2006(LimitsforHarmonic CurrentEmission). · EN61000-3-3:199+A1:2001+A2:200 (LimitationofVoltageFluctuationand Flicker)followingprovisionsofdirectives applicable. · 2006/9/EC(LowVoltageDirective). 127/2008mplementingDirective forStandbyandOffmodepower consumption)andisproducedbya manufacturingorganizationonISO9000 level. [. . . ] Domanda7: omesipuliscelasuperficie C delloschermoLCD?Risposta: sareunpannopulito, morbido U easciuttoperlapulizianormale. Usarealcoolisopropilicoper unapuliziapiùaccurata. Non usarealtrisolventicomealcool etilico, etanolo, acetone, esano, eccetera. Domanda8: ossomodificarel'impostazione P coloredelmonitor? [. . . ]


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