Istruzioni per l'uso SAMSUNG SMT-T5040

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[. . . ] T5040_Cov 03/17/2010 Istruzioni per l'uso . IT SMT-T5040 T5040_Ita 03/17/2010 SMT-T5040 Istruzioni per l'uso IT RICEVITORE TERRESTRE DIGITALE T5040_Ita 03/17/2010 Page 2-3 SMT-T5040 SMT-T5040 LIQUIDI: PULIZIA: VENTILAZIONE: ACCESSORI: ISTRUZIONI PER LA SICUREZZA ISTRUZIONI PER LA SICUREZZA Questo dispositivo STB è stato realizzato in modo tale da soddisfare gli standard di sicurezza. Leggere attentamente le seguenti precauzioni relative alla sicurezza. AVVERTENZA!Per non danneggiare il cavo di alimentazione o la spina attenersi alle seguenti indicazioni. [. . . ] Select SAVE and press "OK" for confirmation. : Exit without OK key makes MHP App Control unchanged. GB-20 D I G I T A L T E R R E S T R I A L R E C E I V E R GB-21 T5040_Eng 04/15/2010 Page 22-23 SMT-T5040 4. 2. 6 Subtitle 4. 2. 7 Use LCN / keys. SMT-T5040 OPERATING THE RECEIVER OPERATING THE RECEIVER 4. 3 Press the SYSTEM of the sub menu topics. The System menu will be displayed. For the System-menus: A/V Setting, HDMI Setting, Language Options, Upgrade Channels, Upgrade Software, Search Channels, System Status, Timezone, Modem Settings, Ethernet Setting, Factory Reset. If you want to change the display mode of Subtitle, please follow the instruction below. Select On or OFF in Subtitle mode with the / keys. Select SAVE and press "OK" for confirmation. 4. 3. 1 A/V Setting You can set the various A/V settings you want. Place the cursor on this sub menu and press the OK key. Press the / keys to move the sub items and press the / keys to select the option. Select SAVE and press the OK key for confirmation. Press the MENU/EXIT keys to exit the menu. Select the Screen Format according to your TV: Full Screen 4 : 3 ratio or Standard 16 : 9 ratio type. Select the Display Format : Full Screen or Letter Box, when screen format is 4:3. Select the Display Format : Standard or Wide, when screen format is 16:9. Select the TV Scart Output Type : CVBS or RGB. Select the Dolby Digital Type : Dolby D or RAW or PCM. GB If you want to select the mode of LCN, please follow the instruction below. Select Yes or No in Use LCN mode with the Select SAVE and press "OK" for confirmation. 4. 3. 2 HDMI setting You can set HDMI settings you want. Place the cursor on this sub menu and press the OK key. Press the / keys to move the sub items and press the / keys to select the option. Select OK and press the OK key for confirmation. Press the MENU/EXIT keys to exit the menu. Select the Audio Delay : OFF or ON. GB-22 D I G I T A L T E R R E S T R I A L R E C E I V E R GB-23 T5040_Eng 04/06/2010 Page 24-25 SMT-T5040 4. 3. 3 Language Options 4. 3. 4 Upgrade Channels 4. 3. 5 Upgrade Software SMT-T5040 OPERATING THE RECEIVER OPERATING THE RECEIVER 4. 3. 6 Search Channel The sub menu "Search Channel" will enable download of the channels automatically from the preprogrammed load, or manual scanning channels. To download channels automatically, You can select Auto Search and press OK key to perform "Auto Search". All the channels in the list will be automatically downloaded. [. . . ] 2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3) All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www. openssl. org/)" 4) The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact openssl-core@openssl. org. [. . . ]


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