Istruzioni per l'uso TEKTRONIX FCA3000 DATASHEET

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[. . . ] Contatore/analizzatore per microonde e misuratore di potenza integrato Timer/Counter/Analyzers Scheda tecnica serie Tektronix FCA3000 e FCA3100/ Tektronix FCA3000 and FCA3100 Series Data Sheet Funzioni e caratteristiche disponibili Misureautomatiche:frequenza, periodo, rapporto, intervallotemporale, erroreintervallotemporale, duratadell'impulso, tempodisalita/discesa, angolodifase, ciclodilavoro, tensionemassima, tensioneminima, tensionepiccoapicco Totalemisure(serieFCA3100) Displaymultiparametrico ModalitàDiagrammadeltrend ModalitàStatistichedimisura ModalitàIstogramma DeviazionediAllan Misuredifrequenza/periodocontempomortopariazero Caratteristiche e vantaggi Specifiche delle principali prestazioni Modellia300MHz, 3GHze20GHz Finoa3canalidiingresso Risoluzionetemporalesingoloevento:50ps(serieFCA3100)o100ps (serieFCA3000) Risoluzionedifrequenza:12cifre/s Risoluzionedifase:0, 001° Risoluzioneditensione:3mVosuperiore Basedeitempiadaltastabilità5×10-8opzionale FlussodidaticontinuosubusUSB/GPIBdurantelamisura (serieFCA3100) Uscitaimpulsiprogrammabileda0, 5Hza50MHz Connettività Ingressipannelloposterioreopzionali DispositivoUSBeporteGPIBsulpannelloposterioreperunrapido collegamentoalPC L'interfacciaGPIBsupportaunaprogrammabilitàcompletaSCPI compatibileeoffreunamodalitàdiemulazioneperunasostituzione plug-and-playneisistemiATEesistenti Ingressodiattivazioneesterno Uscitaoscillatorediriferimento:10MHz ComprendeilsoftwareNationalInstrumentLabVIEWSignalExpressTMTE LimitedEditionpercollegareilbanco SoftwareTimeViewTMopzionaledisponibileperl'analisineldominiodella modulazione. Velocità di misura Velocitàditrasferimentodeidatinellamemoriainterna: 250. 000campioni/s(finoa3, 75milionidicampionimemorizzati) Velocitàditrasferimentodeidatifinoa15. 000campioni/ssubus USB/GPIB(modalitàablocco­Blockmode) Finoa650misure/scontriggersingolo 3 anni di garanzia DataSheet Strumenti con funzionalità complete per misure di precisione Iltimer/contatore/analizzatoreserieFCA3000eFCA3100comprendenumerose funzionidiverseinununicostrumentodotatodifunzionalitàcomplete. Conuna risoluzionetemporaleedellafrequenzaleaderdelsettore, laserieFCAviene fornitadiserieconun'ampiamemoriainternaeunavelocitàditrasferimentodati nellamemoriainternadi250. 000campioni/s. Inoltre, ildisplaymultiparametrico presentamisureausiliarieinsiemeallemisureprincipaliperfornireirisultati necessariinun'unicaschermata. Grazieallemodalitàdianalisipiùcomplete delsettore, inclusestatistiche, istogrammiediagrammideltrend, forniscegli strumentinecessariperanalizzareinmodorapidoeaccuratoilpropriosegnale. Displaymultiparametrico Prestazioni leader del settore per progetti impegnativi LarisoluzioneelevataèfondamentaleperlaRicercaeSviluppoeperil testdellaproduzionesuiprogettiimpegnatividioggi. LaserieFCAoffre unarisoluzioneinfrequenzadi12cifre/s, mentreperlemisuretemporali, larisoluzionepereventosingolodi50ps(serieFCA3100)o100ps(serie FCA3000)èdisponibileconvisualizzazionedeivaloridimisurafinoa14cifre. Conprestazionileaderdelsettore, laserieFCAforniscemisurerapide eprecise. Misuradellarelazionedifase Caratteristiche esclusive per misure accurate PergarantiremisureaccuratedelladeviazionediAllan, laserieFCA3100offre unatecnicadimisuracontempidimortipariazeroedun'indicazionecontinua deltimestampdeglieventiditrigger. Questafunzioneèfondamentaleper misuremeccanicheemedicheincuiènecessariomisurareognisingolociclo. LaserieFCA3000integraquestafunzionalitàmedianteleinterfacceUSB/ GPIBconunafunzionediindicazionedeltimestampnonelaborata. [. . . ] Speed to Internal Memory Talker-only Output (GPIB/USB) Individually Triggered Measurements Block Transfer Speed Frequency/Period, Time, Phase, Volt, Duty Cycle, Pulse, Rise Time Graphic Display of Trend, Histogram, Modulation Domain Totalize, TIE Programmable Pulse Output Continuous Measurements 12 digit/s 50 ps 1 mV 250k measurement/s 3. 5M results 4k measurement/s 650/s 15k measurement/s Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 12 digit/s 100 ps 3 mV 250k measurement/s 750k results No 500/s 5k measurement/s Yes Yes No No No Mode Range Input A, B Input C Resolution Aux Parameters Single, Average, Back-to-Back (FCA3100 Series) 3. 3 ns to 1000 s (single, average) 4. 0 µs to 1000 s (back-to-back) 10 ns down to 50 ps 100 ps (single); 12 digit/s avg. (FCA3000 Series) 50 ps (single); 12 digit/s avg. Resolution can be improved by averaging (statistics) Up to 160 MHz Freq (A), Va/Vb (in dB) Totalize A, B (FCA3100 Series) Characteristic Description Mode Range Frequency Range Start Control Stop Control Aux Parameters Tot A, Tot B, Tot A+B, Tot A­B, Tot A/B 1 to 1010 counts Up to 160 MHz Manual, start arming Manual, stop arming, timed Other Totalize functions Auto Hysteresis Time Min hysteresis window (hysteresis compensation) Frequency One-third of input signal amplitude Analog LP Filter Nominal 100 kHz, RC type Digital LP Filter 1 Hz to 50 MHz cutoff frequency Max Voltage without Damage 1 M 350 V (DC + AC peak) to 440 Hz, falling to 12 VRMS (X1) at 1 MHz 12 VRMS 50 Connector BNC Input C ­ 3 GHz (FCA3003 and FCA3103 Products) Characteristic Description Vmax, Vmin, Vp-p A, B Characteristic Description ­50 V to +50 V, ­5 V to +5 V Range is limited by the specication for max input voltage without damage (see input A, B) Frequency Range DC, 1 Hz to 300 MHz Mode Vmax, Vmin, Vp-p Resolution 3 mV (FCA3000 Series) 1 mV (FCA3100 Series) Uncertainty (5 V range, typical) DC, 1 Hz to 1 kHz 1% + 15 mV 1 kHz to 20 MHz 3% + 15 mV 20 to 100 MHz 10% + 15 mV 100 to 300 MHz 30% + 15 mV Aux Parameters Vmin, Vmax, Vp-p Range Operating Input Voltage Range 100 to 300 MHz 20 mVRMS to 12 VRMS 10 mVRMS to 12 VRMS 0. 3 to 2. 5 GHz 20 mVRMS to 12 VRMS 2. 5 to 2. 7 GHz 40 mVRMS to 12 VRMS 2. 7 to 3. 0 GHz Prescaler Factor 16 Impedance 50 nominal, VSWR < 2. 5:1 Max Voltage without 12 VRMS, pin-diode protected Damage Type-N Female Connector www. tektronix. com 5 DataSheet Input C ­ 20 GHz (FCA3020 and FCA3120 Products) Characteristic Description Mathematics Characteristic Description Frequency Range 0. 25 to 20 GHz Operating Input Voltage Range 250 to 500 MHz ­21 to +27 dBm ­27 to +27 dBm 0. 5 to 14 GHz ­27 to +27 dBm 14 to 18 GHz ­21 to +27 dBm 18 to 20 GHz Prescaler Factor 128 Impedance 50 nominal, VSWR < 2. 0:1 AM Tolerance >90% within sensitivity range Max Voltage without +27 dBm Damage Type Precision-N Female Connector Functions (K*X+L)/M and (K/X+L)/M. X is current reading and K, L, and M are constants; set using the keyboard or as frozen reference value (X0) Other Functions Characteristic Description Measuring Time Time-base Reference Display Hold Limit Alarm Limit Values Settings On Alarm Display Stored Instrument Setups Display Number of digits Resolution Rear Panel Inputs and Outputs Characteristic Description Reference Input Reference Output Arming Input Impedance Frequency range Pulse Output (FCA3100 Series) Mode Period Pulse width Output Rear-panel Measurement Inputs Impedance Connectors 1, 5, or 10 MHz; 0. 1 to 5 VRMS sine; impedance 1 k 10 MHz; >1 VRMS sine into 50 Arming of all measuring functions Approx. 1 k DC to 80 MHz Programmable through front GPIB/USB Pulse Out, Gate Open, Alarm Out 20 ns - 2 s, in 10 ns increments 10 ns - 2 s, in 10 ns increments TTL levels in 50 , rise time 2 ns A, B, C (Option RP only) 1 M / 50 pF or 50 (VSWR 2:1) SMA female for rear input C BNC for all other inputs/outputs 20 ns to 1000 s for frequency, burst, and period average. Single cycle for other measuring functions Internal, external, or automatic Freezes the result, until a new measurement is initiated through a restart Graphical indication on front panel and/or SRQ through GPIB, plus pulse output connector (FCA3100 Series) Lower limit, upper limit Off, or alarm if value is above, below, inside, or outside limits Stop or Continue Numeric + Graphic 20. Instrument setups can be saved/recalled from internal nonvolatile memory. 10 can be user protected Backlit LCD graphics screen for menu control, numerical readout, and status information 14 digits in Numerical mode 320 × 97 pixels GPIB Interface Characteristic Description Compatibility Auxiliary Functions Trigger Holdoff Characteristic Description Interface Functions Max Measurement Rate GPIB 15k/5k readings/s (Block mode) 4k/- readings/s (Talker Only mode) 650/500 readings/s (individual GET triggered) To internal memory 250k readings/s Internal Memory Size 750k readings (FCA3000 Series) 3. 75M readings (FCA3100 Series) IEEE 488. 2-1987, SCPI 199953131A Compatibility mode SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR1, RL1, DC1, DT1, E2 Time Delay Range 20 ns to 2 s, 10 ns resolution USB Interface Characteristic Description External Start and Stop Arming Characteristic Description USB Version 2. 0 full speed (11 Mb/s) Modes Start, Stop, Start and Stop Arming Input Channels A, B, or (rear panel) E Max Rep. Rate for Arming Signal 160 MHz Channel A, B 80 MHz Channel E Start-time Delay Range 20 ns to 2 s, 10 ns resolution Calibration Characteristic Description Mode Closed case, menu controlled Calibration Frequencies 0. 1, 1, 5, 10, 1. 544, and 2. 048 MHz Statistics Characteristic Description Functions Display Sample Size Limit Qualier Measurement Pacing Maximum, Minimum, Mean, Max-Min, Standard Deviation, and Allan Deviation Numeric, histograms, or trend plots 2 to 2 × 109 samples Off, or capture values above, below, inside, or outside limits Pacing Time Range: 4 µs to 500 s 6 www. tektronix. com Timer/Counter/Analyzers--TektronixFCA3000andFCA3100Series General Specications Environmental Data Characteristic Description Physical Dimension mm in. Class Operating Temp Storage Temp Humidity Altitude Safety EMC MIL-PRF-28800F, Class 3 0 °C to +50 °C ­40 °C to +71 °C 5-95% (10-30 °C) 5-75% (30-40 °C) 5-45% (40-50 °C) Operating: 2, 000 m Storage: 12, 000 m Directive 2006/95/EC, EN61010-1, UL61010-1, CAN/CSA C22. 2 No. 61010-1 EU Directive 2004/108/EC, EN61326-1, EN61326-2-1, Class A Height Width Depth Weight 90 210 395 2. 7 3. 5 kg 3. 6 8. 25 15. 6 5. 8 7. 5 lb. Net Shipping Ordering Information Models Model Description Power Requirements Characteristic Description Basic Version 90 to 265 VRMS, 45 to 440 Hz, <40 W Time-base Options Characteristic Standard Time-base Type TCXO OCXO OCXO Uncertainty Due to ­ Aging Per 24h NA <5×10­9*1 <5×10­10*1 Per month <5×10­7 <6×10­8 <1×10­8 Per year <5×10­6 <2×10­7 <5×10­8 Temperature variation (typ. values) <5×10­8 <5×10­9 <1×10­5 0-50 °C <2×10­8 <1×10­9 <3×10­6 20-26 °C <1×10­11 <1×10­10 Short-term Not specied Stability: t = 1 s Root Allan <1×10­10 <1×10­11 Not specied Variance: t = 10 s <1×10­8 NA <1×10­7 Power-on Stability Deviation versus 30 min 30 min 10 min nal value after 24h ON time, after a warm-up time of: Total Uncertainty, for Operating Temperature 20 °C to 26 °C, at 2 (95%) Condence Interval <2. 4×10­7 <0. 6×10­7 <7×10­6 1 year after calibration <4. 6×10­7 <1. 2×10­7 <1. 2×10­5 2 years after calibration *1 After 1 month of continuous operation. Medium Stability (MS) High Stability (HS) FCA3000 Timer/Counter/Analyzer 300 MHz / 100 ps FCA3003 Timer/Counter/Analyzer 3 GHz / 100 ps FCA3020 Timer/Counter/Analyzer 20 GHz / 100 ps FCA3100 Timer/Counter/Analyzer 300 MHz / 50 ps FCA3103 Timer/Counter/Analyzer 3 GHz / 50 ps FCA3120 Timer/Counter/Analyzer 20 GHz / 50 ps FCA3000/3100 Series Include: Timer/Counter, line cord, calibration certicate, Quick Start User Manual, CD-ROM with user manual (English, French, German, Spanish, Simplied Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Russian, Japanese), Programmer's Guide, Technical Specications, Trial version of TimeViewTM Software, and CD-ROM with National Instruments LabVIEW SignalExpressTM Tektronix Edition, Limited Edition Software. Please specify power plug when ordering. Instrument Options Option Description MS HS RP Medium-stability Oven Time Base High-stability Oven Time Base Rear-panel Connectors Power Plug Options Option Description A0 A1 A2 A3 A5 A6 A10 A11 E1 North America Universal Euro United Kingdom Australia Switzerland Japan China India UK and Euro (FCA3000 and FCA3100 only) www. tektronix. com 7 DataSheet Contact Tektronix: Contact Tektronix: ASEAN / Australasia (65) 6356 3900 ASEAN / Australasia(65)63563900 Austria 00800 2255 4835* Austria0080022554835* Balkans, Balkans, SouthSouth Africa and other ISE Countries +41 52 675 3777 Israel, Israel, Africa and other ISE Countries+41526753777 Service Options Option Description Belgium 00800 2255 4835* Belgium0080022554835* Brazil +55 (11) 3759 7600 Brazil+55(11)37597600 Canada 1 800 833 9200 Canada18008339200 CA1 C3 C5 D1 R5 Provides a single calibration event or coverage for the designated calibration interval, whichever comes rst Calibration Service 3 Years Calibration Service 5 Years Calibration Data Report Repair Service 5 Years CentralCentral East Europe, Ukraine, and the Baltics +41 52 675 3777 East Europe, Ukraine and the Baltics+41526753777 Central Europe Greece+41526753777 Central Europe & & Greece +41 52 675 3777 Denmark +45 80 88 1401 Denmark+4580881401 Finland+41526753777 Finland +41 52 675 3777 France0080022554835* France 00800 2255 4835* Germany0080022554835* Germany 00800 2255 4835* Hong Kong4008205835 Hong Kong 400 820 5835 India0008006501835 India 000 800 650 1835 Italy0080022554835* Italy 00800 2255 4835* Japan81(3)67143010 Japan 81 (3) 6714 3010 Luxembourg+41526753777 Luxembourg +41 52 675 3777 Mexico, Mexico, Central/South AmericaCaribbean(52)56045090 Central/South America & & Caribbean (52) 56 04 50 90 Middle East, Asia and North Africa+41526753777 Middle East, Asia, and North Africa +41 52 675 3777 TheThe Netherlands 00800 2255 4835* Netherlands0080022554835* Norway80016098 Norway 800 16098 People's Republic of China4008205835 People's Republic of China 400 820 5835 Poland+41526753777 Poland +41 52 675 3777 Portugal800812370 Portugal 80 08 12370 Recommended Accessories and Software Accessory Description HCTEK4321 AC4000 174-4401-xx 012-0991-xx 012-1256-xx 012-0482-xx SIGEXPTE TVA3000 Hard Carrying Case Soft Carrying Case USB Host to Device Cable, 3 ft. GPIB Cable, Double Shielded BNC Male to BNC Male, Cable Shielded, 9 ft. , 50 BNC Male to BNC Male, Cable Shielded, 3 ft. , 50 National Instruments SignalExpressTM Tektronix Edition Interactive Measurement Software ­ Professional Version TimeViewTM Modulation Domain Analysis Software Republic of of Korea 001 800 8255 2835 Republic Korea00180082552835 South Africa+41526753777 South Africa +41 52 675 3777 Russia && CIS +7 (495) 7484900 Russia CIS+7(495)7484900 Spain0080022554835* Spain 00800 2255 4835* Product(s) are manufactured in ISO registered facilities. Product(s) complies with IEEE Standard 488. 1-1987, RS-232-C, and with Tektronix Standard Codes and Formats. Switzerland0080022554835* Switzerland 00800 2255 4835* United Kingdom & Ireland 00800 2255 4835* USA 1 800 833 9200 Sweden0080022554835* Sweden 00800 2255 4835* Taiwan886(2)27229622 Taiwan 886 (2) 2722 9622 USA18008339200 United Kingdom & Ireland0080022554835* *Europeantoll-freenumber. Ifnotaccessible, call:+41526753777 * European toll-free number. If not accessible, call: +41 52 675 3777 ContactListUpdated25May2010 Updated 25 May 2010 For Tektronix Information. [. . . ] All other trade names referenced are the service marks, trademarks, or registered trademarks Inc. All other trade names referenced are the service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their of their respective companies. respectivecompanies. 21Jul2010 21 Jul 2010 3CI-25556-0 3CW-25556-0 www. tektronix. com [. . . ]


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